[Updated: please read] Default notification when replying changed to "Watching"

As suggested by @jflory7 in How can I figure out what emails are to me and which arent, I’ve changed the site-wide default so that when you reply to a thread, you are automatically set to “watching” that thread, meaning you will get notifications (and potentially email) about any further replies. I also set the threshold by which the site considers posts to be
“new” from two weeks to 2 days.

You can change these defaults on a per-user basis in your notification preferences at Fedora Discussion - Fedora Project community discussion happens here!.

(Note that the site had an option to make this retroactive. I did not enable that, so this will juts affect new posts going forward.) (See below.)


So, @jflory7 let me know that I misread the setting and that in fact the “retroactive” option would change the defaults for existing users rather than for posts . Given that, it might make sense to change it. However, that would change the setting for 1854 existing users, so I’m hesitant to just do it without discussion. Please discuss here. Thanks!

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To summarize…

  • What changes: When you reply to a topic, you will receive notifications for new replies by default.
  • What does not change: You will not receive notifications for threads you replied to in the past, unless you reply again after this setting is changed.

Of course, if you do not like this default, it is easy to revert the preference change for your personal account, as @mattdm linked above.

@mattdm I pinned this thread globally to the forum for two weeks for wider visibility.

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It would probably be best to enable it for occasional users (<30% attendance?), regulars probably keep up with notifications and wouldn’t like a flood of emails.

There’s not an option for doing that other than me going into every user’s profile manually, which does not seem time-efficient.

Note that this won’t change the preference about whether to get email at all, and as Justin cleared up for me doesn’t change things for old messages, just the default going forward.

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So, whatdya think? Just go ahead and do it?