App icon image not displaying in dock

Hi Just installed F40 from scratch by formatting F39. I some times format and reinstall the OS instead of upgrading.

I installed Java apps like Eclipse IDE and SAP Gui. They are stored locally (~.local/share/applications/). I can see the app icon in show apps, however, when I launch the app, it just displays a blue diamond shaped icon. I did copy the .desktop file to /usr/share/applications/ and rebooted the laptop but the problem remains. How do i resolve this?


Start the app and identify its wmclass property:
Alt+F2: lg > Windows > AppName > wmclass: …

Edit the desktop file:

desktop-file-edit \
    --set-key="StartupWMClass" \
    --set-value="${WM_CLASS}" \
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Thanks, used the terminal command




I rebooted but it’s still the same.

Removed the “” and it worked. Thanks

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