2nd Local London Meetup

I remember there are three people who live far from London.

Hybrid meetings for a certain format (like mini-workshop or tech showcase) wouldn’t hurt. The UK is huge and long distance train journeys cost more than air travel to the Czech Republic, for example.

In person only meetup also creates an atmosphere being a part of the “in” group. Impactful discussion is not always happening within the “in” group and in person meetings.

Promotion shouldn’t be frowned upon. The FOSS meetup takes the form of an advocate group of some sort. Once the group is big enough, it will grow to ambassadors. We are part of it, aren’t we?

In discourse, we can make preemptive questions for brainstorming in the meetings next time:

  • What impact do we want in the Fedora community with the UK Meetup?
  • What do you individually want to get out of this meetup?