2021-02-03 Fedora Magazine editorial board notes

Dear all,

You are kindly invited to the meeting:
Magazine editorial board on 2021-02-03 from 08:00:00 to 09:00:00 America/New_York
At fedora-meeting@irc.freenode.net

The meeting will be about:
This meeting is for editors of the Fedora Magazine site. The agenda primarily consists of deciding, assigning, and scheduling posts for the upcoming weeks.

More information available at:

Source: Meeting "Magazine editorial board" - Fedocal

Did we have a chair set for this? If not, I’ll do it. :slight_smile:

Not sure but I thought this was the week you had said you would do EOW, and then chair the mtg obviously. But that is my recollection of your comments on the discussion forum about not making that mtg two weeks ago I chaired.

That sounds right. I just couldn’t remember if different plans were made in the interim.

Yeah I missed last weeks meeting. I was on a service call to a fish hatchery that the Ministry of Natural Resources runs in Southern Ontario. These hatchlings are used to stock lakes and rivers in the region. I was looking at the feeding system which had some industrial PC issues.

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That sounds really interesting. Maybe if the Magazine meeting ends early, you can tell us more about it. :smiley:

Sure, I love to talk fishing
[Edit] Sorry the fishing talk has to wait, I’ll try to make the start of the mtg tomorrow but will be heading out part way through to visit a customer.

Minutes: Meetbot Logs
Minutes (text): https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2021-02-03/magazine.2021-02-03-13.01.txt
Log: Meetbot Logs

Takeaway: we need more content to move from the early stages into ready-for-publication!