Workstation vs Minimal

I was curious what is the exact difference between fedora minimal and Workstation?
What kind of steps is required to take for making the Minimal installation as similar as possible to Workstation (or server)?

Do they have different build-systems that I can study?

I’m not looking for any specific use case, just want to learn.

Custom desktop + groups vs. Workstation

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Broad description: Workstation is configuration that brings the Gnome desktop environment, gnome apps and some Fedora tools. Is also comes with a Live environment in which you can test.

Minimal is a minimal installer without Live environment, in which you select the package group that you want to install (desktop environment, server-services, developers packages, and so on). Also, you need to be online because the minimal installer downloads the latest packages and you end up with an up-to-date system after install.

You can use the minimal installer to end up with a Workstation install (if you select Gnome), or you can choose to install whatever suits your needs. Just test it in a virtual machine.

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I’m not sure if this is true in Fedora, but in RedHat, minimal will let you install with wireless, but afterwards, when you reboot into the system, it won’t have wireless. You have to either connect with a cable and install NetworkManager-wifi after first boot, or, if using a full DVD install, install NetworkManager and a couple of others from the DVD after install. As @augenauf says, you can, after the install, put in whatever you want afterwards. It just starts you with a very minimal evironment.