Why does RH lock down their Knowledgebase notes vs SUSE being open?

The RH notes I have to have an account and log into before being able to read the solution (which may or may not be relevant). I’ve ran into this being an issue because I’ve needed info from LiveUSB sessions, without my usual data, and no convenient access to my password manager or database (my RH account is very secure :sunglasses: )

Meanwhile, SUSE’s pages are wide-open right there.

Why exactly is this, to who’s benefit, and assuming it can be changed to be open (without log-in), where can I propose that to?

i think you can get access to it with the free developer red hat subscription

Yes; that’s not my point though :stuck_out_tongue:

My point is why is information locked behind an account? The account is free, so the information is free by-association; why is there a hindrance of needing an account?

i’m not sure, but it was locked behind a paid subscription, and them they created the free one, so the account is necessary to obtain the subscription, even if it’s a free one, now why they don’t just completely open in, idk