What do the numbers (e.g. 1,3) at the end of flatpak permissions desktop used apps mean?

$ flatpak permissions desktop-used-apps
gives me e.g. these outputs:

Table Object App Permissions Data
desktop-used-apps application/pdf org.mozilla.Thunderbird org.kde.okular,2,3 0x00
desktop-used-apps application/pdf org.mozilla.firefox org.kde.okular,2,3 0x00

what does “2,3” at the end of the line mean? in connection with some other entries sometimes it is “1,3” or “3,3”.

neither google, nor the manuals or --help nor copilot could give me an answer. the lack of documentation is quite shocking to say the least.

Thank You!

btw. how can i format text as “code” (not inline-code) on this forum?

Empty line
Four backticks
Four backticks

or four spaces, the code.

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3 backticks also works :wink:


We do not use “code” blocks on this platform.
Instead we use preformatted text with the </> button on the toolbar, or by adding triple backquotes [ ``` ] on the line preceding the text and on the line following the text. It retains the formatting as seen on your screen.

The highlighted text is done the same but with a single backquote just before and Just following the text.

I found this wiki entry that has some information.

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` = Shift & 2 times ` ' = Backtick

type or paste code here #pre formated text over more than one line

` Higlights text, commands as example ` # single line mostly >> Higlights text, commands as example

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well this is pointing in the right direction at least.

except ist does not work at all.

no matter what i set with
flatpak permission-set desktop-used-apps application/pdf org.mozilla.firefox org.kde.okular,0,0

the threshold will always be overwritten to 3 and the counter will always start with 0.

so i’m getting shown the application chooser 3 times and the fourth time it will automatically be the 3-times-used-handler-app.