Welcome Outreachy applicants for Docs!

Welcome, Outreachy contributors! If you’re reading this, you’ve already found where the Docs team holds asynchronous conversation. We also have chat on the docs channel on chat.fedoraproject.org (bridged to #fedora-docs on Libera.chat). Meetings are held at 1830 UTC on Wednesdays. You’re welcome to join us.

I created an issue in the docs-fp-po repo that describes the work to be done.

Please ask questions in the docs tag so that everyone can benefit. We’re a friendly group and are eager for your input!


One question I’ve heard a couple of times is “can you help me understand how git and pull requests work”. I find that GitHub’s introduction series is a good resource. GitHub is different from Pagure in some respects, but the git commands are the same and most of the general concepts translate.

We also have Git for Docs Writers instructions in our contributor docs, which can help.

If you have other questions, feel free to ask in Discussion or in chat!

I was asked the below question via email. I figured it was worth sharing for everyone’s benefit.

What if I post the proposal on the docs tag like you suggested, does it also stand as a contribution? Because it’s contributions that determine whether we progress to the internship proper.

That’s a great question. In order to make the proposals easier to find, I think a pull request (even if you’re not making any code changes at the time) is the best way to go. Otherwise, it will be hard
to find. But posting in the docs tag is a good way to get some feedback and discussion prior to submitting the request.

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Another good resource as you work on proposals is the Colors section of the Logo Usage Guidelines.

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Reminder that applications are due 2022-04-22T16:00:00Z. Here are the instructions from the Outreachy administrators:

In order to be eligible to be selected as an Outreachy intern, each applicant must:

  1. Fill out an initial application at Log in
  2. Record a contribution to your project on the Outreachy site.
  3. Complete a final application for your project.

The deadline for final applications is April 22, 2022 at 4pm UTC. Applicants will not be able to create a final application after the deadline. Applicants can edit their final application until the deadline.

Applicants who submit a final application will be able to continue recording and editing their contributions to your project. They can record contributions until the intern announcement on May 20, 2022 at 4pm UTC. Applicants who have not submitted a final application will not be able to record or edit their contributions.

It’s very important that you encourage the applicant(s) you want to accept for your project to complete their final application before the final application deadline. If you do not see the applicant you want to select on this list, contact them ASAP and tell them to record a contribution and submit a final application at this URL (which only works for eligible applicants, not mentors):

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Hi @bcotton ! The Outreachy website asks for a contribution url.

Does the url have to be specifically a pull request? Or could it be a figma file link. I’m asking this because to create a pull request there should be some change in the branch I created, and the suggestions and ideas aren’t exactly code changes.

Or is there some workaround to this? Thankyou!

Great question! Either would be fine.

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Thankyou for the flexibility!:smile::raised_hands:

Hi @bcotton ! One more question came up as I was filling up the final application…
What do we have to put in the Outreachy Timeline exactly?
Thanks for the help!:slight_smile:

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Ditto @bcotton :slightly_smiling_face:

So I had to look at the applicant guidelines since there’s not a lot of guidance for mentors and this is my first time. :slight_smile:

My suggestion is to include items like the below, along with the timeline you propose for them.

  • Community and tool acclimation
  • Stakeholder input
  • Front page design creation
  • Front page design implementation
  • Navigation bar research
  • Navigation bar proposal development
  • Navigation bar implementation
  • (other ideas you have)

Note that the above is not meant to be prescriptive. If you don’t think you can do all of them, don’t include them. If there are other things you want to add, add them. If you want to do some of them in a different order, great!

What I’m looking for here is what you think your internship experience will look like in terms of major work phases.


Thank you @bcotton

Oops, thank you for taking the pain! I read the applicant’s guidelines too but I felt they hadn’t mentioned what they need clearly.

So basically this is just what I think I want to accomplish during the internship, divided into weeks?

Got it!! Thankyou so much for the help in figuring this out!

Do you think we should share the tentative timeline with you, or that’s not required?

That’s right.

It is 100% optional. I’m happy to offer feedback on your timeline but 1. timelines are always wrong in ways we don’t yet understand and 2. you know your abilities better than I do, so you have a better idea of what’s possible for you. :slight_smile:

I get this, yes. I’ll then work on this and submit an application.

Just out of curiosity, if I’m allowed to know- who actually reviews these applications- someone from outreachy or the org we apply to?

And also on this one- I actually introduced a new navigation bar from my side in the ideas- are you talking about the navigation bar which exists in the docs website right now?

Yes. I’m talking about the navigation bar on the left side of docs pages that Antora adds.

Got it! Done:))) (fingers crossed haha)
Sorry if I got a bit informal, all this is new and exciting :smiley:

Informal is what we do :smiley:

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Ah, this helps alot! Thank you so much!