Hi, I’m thiking about switching to Silverblue, with the immutable filesystem is it possible to install VirtualBox? I saw from another thread about Silverblue 29 that this was not possible. Thanks.
Hi @asegarra,
You may want to check out this previous discussion about Virtual Box. Otherwise, if you’re still have issues and want to run VMs I would recommend installing the Flatpak of GNOME Boxes.
Yes, you can use Virtualbox in Silverblue, see the DorianDotSlash review on youtube: Silverblue 2-week update and answers - YouTube
I like Virt-manager more, I use it: Imgur: The magic of the Internet, Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Thanks, doing the overlay worked.
Thanks, VirtualBox is a development dependency unfortunately so Gnome Boxes is a no go but thanks for the suggestion!