Virtual Machine Manager | Bridged Network | Why so complicated to achiev?

Would like to link a topic from Ask-fp-org who shows that I’m not alone with this libvirt/networking issues.

Learning by doing :muscle: :wink:

Since i use the bridged network as here described, and restrict the network management by using nmcli or nm-connection-editor I do have much more peace with libvirt :grin:

In Virtual Machine Manager > Edit > Connection Details > Virtual Networks, remove all networks.

Afterwards check the two points @glb mentions in the topic below.
Br0 suddenly stopped passing traffic - #5 by glb

When this done, do select the network on the specific VM as in the picture below:


Now you can start the VM

With this procedure you theoretically created you a virtual x-port switch where you connect all your VM’s.

If you use Fedora Workstation please do you the favor and use the nm-connection-editor instead of the build in Network editor in the Settings of Gnome 4.2x. Otherwise you will get bothered wit auto network etc … really annoying.

Of course, if you are a happy :grinning: Terminal user make use of nmcli to manage your network.

If you can, try to include toolbox or ‘podman’ with rootless containers, in your workflow.
I think this way you not have to fight wit this unnecessary routing troubles.

I will add this mini tutorial to the discussion on Might be that I will get some more Tricks/Tips to tweak the libvirt/network workflow.

Good luck

Thanks again @jorti

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