Videos on Fedora are lagging

When I run any video on firefox (fedora 41) the video is lagging, the sound works, but the image of the video is not smooth? Is there anything I can do about it?

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Welcome to the forums :slight_smile:

What do you mean “any video”?
Do you mean youtube, vimeo, iView; streaming videos?
If so, from what sites?

After checking, I mean youtube and reddit
because when I play the videos on discord they are smooth

You need to provide more information because we cannot deduce much from what you are currently telling us.

  • Which Fedora variant are you using?
  • What are your system specifications?
  • Which browser are you using? Firefox
  • What does the video support in about:support mention?
  • Which packages have you (manually) installed that are related to video playback?
  • Are you using RPMFusion?
  • What do you mean by “when i play the videos on discord they are smooth”? Do you mean when you play embedded Youtube videos on Discord, or other types of videos?

I’m using:

  • 41 (Workstation Edition)
Column 1 Column 2
CPU AMD Ryzen™ 5 7520U
GPU AMD Radeon™ 610M
Memory 16.0 GiB
OS Type 64-bit
  • Mozilla Firefox 134.0.1
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Codec Name Software Decoding Hardware Decoding
H264 Supported Supported
VP9 Supported Supported
VP8 Supported Unsupported
AV1 Supported Supported
HEVC Unsupported Unsupported
AAC Supported Unsupported
MP3 Supported Unsupported
Opus Supported Unsupported
Vorbis Supported Unsupported
FLAC Supported Unsupported
Wave Supported Unsupported
  • Not counting RPMFusion free it’s nothing
  • Yes I meant embedded Youtube videos on Discord

If it is important. I have Fedora Linux installed along with Windows 11 in a dual-boot configuration
If I have fullscreen on youtube then I am not able to notice such lags

So it is something about Firefox rendering the videos at a smaller size…

What happens if you change the resolution of the videos as you are watching them?
What resolution screen do you have?

Side note: do you know about yt-dlp which allows you to download videos and watch them later, or you can pipe them to MPV or another media player?

Check out the post by Mario at New to Fedora (41) & am experiencing laggy/choppy video - #4 by glb
He says [quote=“Mario Mendoza, post:5, topic:140837, full:true, username:marmendo”]
I fixed a similar problem replacing wireplumber by pipewire-session-manager
sudo dnf install pipewire-session-manager --allowerasing
This will erase wireplumber in the process.

  • I think nothing happens
  • My resolution screen is 1920x1080 and I’m using 1920x1080
    I downloaded yt-dlp and compared it with fullscreen and normal screen, It looks like video is like in fullscreen (yt-dlp I mean it is smooth)

Unfortunately, this command was not able to solve my problem

Maybe you are experiencing a variation of the Mesa issue that was described here:

Most likely you are using openh264 codec, which ships with Fedora.

In that case, should I switch freeworld drivers to their vanilla counterparts from fedora?

What else should I add or change?

It’s safe to try, you can just switch back if it doesn’t have the desired effect

Use “illegal” codecs like x264.

That’s an encoder, it’s not directly relevant to this situation.