Videos lagging on YouTube when not in fullscreen mode

Fresh install of Nobara 41, whenever I play a YouTube video and not in fullscreen mode it is stuttering and lagging.
YouTube is the only website where I encountered this. The other ones are working smoothly: Twitch, Football Streaming Platforms, Instagram, Facebook you name it.

Tried modifying the encoding as someone suggested in another thread but that thing didn’t work, also played around with Firefox’s hardware acceleration and that didn’t work either.

My graphics card is an Nvidia 4060ti 16GB and I use KDE as my desktop environment. Firefox is v134.0 with Wayland as window protocol.
Thanks in advance!

Can you link to the thread or describe what you did?

Have you installed PRMFusion repo? Configuration - RPM Fusion

Have you switched to full ffmpeg? Howto/Multimedia - RPM Fusion

Please note that Nobara is NOT Fedora.

Though it is based on fedora there are significant changes with kernel, many gaming and multimedia packages, graphics, etc., that make it operate differently.

If you wish support on Nobara it would be of more benefit to actually ask on their discourse site since users there are dedicated to nobara and users here are not versed in the differences (of which there are many).

Hey, I went to the thread with those exact links, I did install these.
Thanks for the effort, but I will ask on a Nobara forum and close the post here as a guy in this thread said.

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