Updating requires nvidia drivers removed as dependency

sudo dnf update
 Package                      Arch   Version           Repository     Size
 kernel                       x86_64 6.10.10-200.fc40  updates       177 k
 kernel-core                  x86_64 6.10.10-200.fc40  updates        17 M
 kernel-devel                 x86_64 6.10.10-200.fc40  updates        20 M
 kernel-modules               x86_64 6.10.10-200.fc40  updates        63 M
 kernel-modules-core          x86_64 6.10.10-200.fc40  updates        38 M
 kernel-modules-extra         x86_64 6.10.10-200.fc40  updates       2.9 M
 cpp                          x86_64 14.2.1-3.fc40     updates        12 M
 gcc                          x86_64 14.2.1-3.fc40     updates        37 M
 gcc-plugin-annobin           x86_64 14.2.1-3.fc40     updates        55 k
 git                          x86_64 2.46.1-1.fc40     updates        52 k
 git-core                     x86_64 2.46.1-1.fc40     updates       4.8 M
 git-core-doc                 noarch 2.46.1-1.fc40     updates       3.0 M
 gnome-software               x86_64 46.5-1.fc40       updates       1.8 M
                              x86_64 46.5-1.fc40       updates        22 k
 kernel-devel-matched         x86_64 6.10.10-200.fc40  updates       177 k
 libatomic                    i686   14.2.1-3.fc40     updates        40 k
 libatomic                    x86_64 14.2.1-3.fc40     updates        43 k
 libgcc                       i686   14.2.1-3.fc40     updates       151 k
 libgcc                       x86_64 14.2.1-3.fc40     updates       133 k
 libgfortran                  x86_64 14.2.1-3.fc40     updates       940 k
 libgomp                      x86_64 14.2.1-3.fc40     updates       354 k
 libquadmath                  x86_64 14.2.1-3.fc40     updates       202 k
 libstdc++                    i686   14.2.1-3.fc40     updates       953 k
 libstdc++                    x86_64 14.2.1-3.fc40     updates       886 k
 llvm-libs                    i686   18.1.8-2.fc40     updates        28 M
 llvm-libs                    x86_64 18.1.8-2.fc40     updates        28 M
 perl-Git                     noarch 2.46.1-1.fc40     updates        39 k
 python3-boto3                noarch 1.35.20-1.fc40    updates       390 k
 python3-botocore             noarch 1.35.20-1.fc40    updates       7.2 M
 qadwaitadecorations-qt5      x86_64 0.1.5-7.fc40      updates        61 k
 qadwaitadecorations-qt6      x86_64 0.1.5-7.fc40      updates        67 k
 qt5-filesystem               x86_64 5.15.15-1.fc40    updates        10 k
 qt5-qtbase                   x86_64 5.15.15-1.fc40    updates       3.6 M
 qt5-qtbase-common            noarch 5.15.15-1.fc40    updates        12 k
 qt5-qtbase-gui               x86_64 5.15.15-1.fc40    updates       6.4 M
 qt5-qtdeclarative            x86_64 5.15.15-1.fc40    updates       4.2 M
 qt5-qtsvg                    x86_64 5.15.15-1.fc40    updates       188 k
 qt5-qttranslations           noarch 5.15.15-1.fc40    updates       2.0 M
 qt5-qtwayland                x86_64 5.15.15-1.fc40    updates       1.1 M
 qt5-qtx11extras              x86_64 5.15.15-1.fc40    updates        35 k
 qt5-qtxmlpatterns            x86_64 5.15.15-1.fc40    updates       973 k
 qt5-srpm-macros              noarch 5.15.15-1.fc40    updates       8.9 k
 traceroute                   x86_64 3:2.1.6-1.fc40    updates        59 k
 upower                       x86_64 1.90.5-2.fc40     updates       139 k
 upower-libs                  x86_64 1.90.5-2.fc40     updates        57 k
 kernel                       x86_64 6.10.6-200.fc40   @updates        0  
 kernel-core                  x86_64 6.10.6-200.fc40   @updates       69 M
 kernel-devel                 x86_64 6.10.6-200.fc40   @updates       71 M
 kernel-modules               x86_64 6.10.6-200.fc40   @updates       62 M
 kernel-modules-core          x86_64 6.10.6-200.fc40   @updates       36 M
 kernel-modules-extra         x86_64 6.10.6-200.fc40   @updates      2.7 M
Removing dependent packages:
                              x86_64 3:390.157-11.fc40 @@commandline 9.9 M

Transaction Summary
Install   6 Packages
Upgrade  39 Packages
Remove    7 Packages

Total download size: 287 M
Is this ok [y/N]: 

Is this okay?

That depends on what other options you have. From nvidia-390xx the nvidia-390xx driver is for Legacy GeForce 400/500 cards.

Quoting the rpmfusion.org NVIDIA How To

Supported on current stable Xorg server release. EOL by NVIDIA at the end of 2022. Still available on “best effort basis” (newer kernel may break, will be discontinued at anytime if not actively maintained)

This driver is suitable for any NVIDIA Fermi GPU found between 2010 and 2012

I have a 2012 dGPU that needs nvidia-470xx. Even that newer model doesn’t work properly with recent kernels and Gnome on Xorg, but I’m OK with nouveau.

That package there - kmod-nvidia-390xx-6.10.6-200.fc40.x86_64 - isn’t the full Nvidia driver package, but the specific kernel modules that were compiled on installation (note the source of commandline) to go together with Linux kernel version 6.10.6.

Since 6.10.6 is being uninstalled, the compiled modules that went along with it no longer need to be there either. Once that update is complete, akmods will run in the background for a couple of minutes to compile the new kmod version.

1 Like

I use Nvidia 820M which uses 390xx drivers. I tried so many things to make it work.

Thanks, and if it doesn’t compile it automatically is there a way to compile it manually after updating the kernel?

Yep, sudo akmods --force --rebuild will do just that.