Updating Community Blog Logo


We have an open ticket to update the Community Blog logo. I put some ideas together for how to update it. Let me know what you think and what your preference is (there are 3 main options):



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My preferences (decreasing) are: C, A, B.

I agree that B’s contrast on the speech bubble is underwhelming. I could certainly live with it, but…
A is intriguing, but I agree the upper-right is a little awkward. If you’re excited by it and want to explore it some more, that’s fine. But C is perfectly acceptable if you’d like to move on to something else. :slight_smile:

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C looks perfectly fine. A looks good as a logo but it stands out too much for me, maybe add a little bit more opacity for the white background? B just doesn’t feels right for me.

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Cool, it looks like C is the universal favorite so I’ll set it up :slight_smile:

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Here is the PR for the update:

Pending approval.

@duffy, You probably want a poll for this.
I second @bcotton

I just merged the PR. Not sure if there are additional steps to have it go live?

Zipped, uploaded, and activated. It’s live on the site and looks great. Thanks, @duffy!

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@bcotton @mattdm do we know how to update the logo here?

Yeah, it’s in the category settings – and, done.

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