Unable to complete install : Internal error ,Permission denied



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Unable to complete install: ‘internal error: process exited while connecting to monitor: 2023-07-15T04:16:03.767461Z qemu-system-x86_64: -blockdev {“driver”:“file”,“filename”:“/mnt/Games_2/VMs/DC0.qcow2”,“node-name”:“libvirt-1-storage”,“auto-read-only”:true,“discard”:“unmap”}: Could not open ‘/mnt/Games_2/VMs/DC0.qcow2’: Permission denied’

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/share/virt-manager/virtManager/asyncjob.py”, line 72, in cb_wrapper
callback(asyncjob, *args, **kwargs)
File “/usr/share/virt-manager/virtManager/createvm.py”, line 2008, in _do_async_install
installer.start_install(guest, meter=meter)
File “/usr/share/virt-manager/virtinst/install/installer.py”, line 695, in start_install
domain = self._create_guest(
File “/usr/share/virt-manager/virtinst/install/installer.py”, line 637, in _create_guest
domain = self.conn.createXML(initial_xml or final_xml, 0)
File “/usr/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/libvirt.py”, line 4481, in createXML
raise libvirtError(‘virDomainCreateXML() failed’)
libvirt.libvirtError: internal error: process exited while connecting to monitor: 2023-07-15T04:16:03.767461Z qemu-system-x86_64: -blockdev {“driver”:“file”,“filename”:“/mnt/Games_2/VMs/DC0.qcow2”,“node-name”:“libvirt-1-storage”,“auto-read-only”:true,“discard”:“unmap”}: Could not open ‘/mnt/Games_2/VMs/DC0.qcow2’: Permission denied

Hello @alanwalker ,
What were you attempting to install? And where? How?

I try Make Virtual machine for windows server 2012 R2 and i use some tuterial form youtube then i get this error but i fixed it . i chenged the file system of my Partion to Btrfs cuz the I came form windows ENV