Thunderbird Flatpak attachment problem

The Thunderbird forum says there isn’t a problem, and I am wondering whether it is a Flatpak container problem. “Software” says that it is a “Fedora Flatpak”, so I assume that Fedora is responsible for Flatpak-ing it.

I wrote an email then clicked on “Attach” (same happens if I click “Add attachment”), I got an error message that stated that a completely unrelated directory did not exist. There was no way to get round this, so I could not add the attachment. I eventually worked out that the directory had been used for an attachment in a previous unrelated email and that directory had since been deleted.
I tried creating another directory of the same name and the attachment process worked.

In summary: When attaching, Thunderbird seems to default to the most recently used directory, if it no longer exists the attachment process fails and there is no way round it within Thunderbird.

To help you we need exact messages. What directory do you want, what is chosen, what is the exact error?

Also try to use Flathub Flatpak Thunderbird, it works well for me.

I am unable to reproduce this with the Fedora Thunderbird flatpak.

Thunderbird used to be brilliant at finding data files after installation, but last time it was a nightmare, so I don’t intend to go through that again. I’ll just put up with the bug and install a different email client next time I have to.