Sway Atomic / Sway RPM | First Steps

The default shortcuts are:

WINEnter opens a terminal (foot terminal is default)

WINd opens a window (rofi) and I can type commands (Sway RPM has a notice on the desktop)

Some useful commands I can search in rofi to setup sway(WINd):

config #displays several config options

Terminal commands:
(see below the answers/replays)

  1. Keyboard setup:
    To change the keyboard permanent use the config file see below.
   localectl list-keymaps
   swaymsg input type:keyboard xkb_layout br
  1. Possible resolutions of display:
   swaymsg -t get_outputs # setup in config file (~/.config/sway/config)

Config File:

 # Your preferred terminal emulator
 # Recommends: foot
 set $term alacritty

# resolution 
output <identifier> {
     # ...config options...
     mode  2560x1080@50.000Hz

# keyboard
 input type:keyboard {
        xkb_layout br

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  1. I saved this as a Wiki, If you stuk on the same issue please add your findings so that we do have a place we find in internet. ↩︎

FYI, here is the Sway Atomic docs. They still unfortunately have the Sericea branding at the moment. There are “Getting Started” and “Configuring” pages there as well.

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My main problem was that I had a screen without any hint how to open the terminal alias any application.

As I already used i3 I remembered that there where shortcuts with the alt key. I tested all combinations with the with Shift & Ctrl and the Alt key … just totally forgot the win key.

After Sway Atomic I installed the RPM version and on the Live ISO on the screen was a Info how to use the shortcuts.
This would be nice to have on the Atomic version too.

Now I do have an issue to set my keyboard to pt_BR.
I am testing on Sway RPM first.

The docs are not really helpful to set it in Terminal.

Good time to ask, how/what would be needed to update the docs?

Run swaymsg input type:keyboard xkb_layout keymap from terminal to set your keyboard layout. To list available keymaps on your system, run localectl list-keymaps and replace keymap with the one you want to use.

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