The default shortcuts are:
WINEnter opens a terminal (foot
terminal is default)
WINd opens a window (rofi
) and I can type commands (Sway RPM has a notice on the desktop)
Some useful commands I can search in rofi to setup sway(WINd):
config #displays several config options
Terminal commands:
(see below the answers/replays)
- Keyboard setup:
To change the keyboard permanent use the config file see below.
localectl list-keymaps
swaymsg input type:keyboard xkb_layout br
- Possible resolutions of display:
swaymsg -t get_outputs # setup in config file (~/.config/sway/config)
Config File:
# Your preferred terminal emulator
# Recommends: foot
set $term alacritty
# resolution
output <identifier> {
# ...config options...
mode 2560x1080@50.000Hz
# keyboard
input type:keyboard {
xkb_layout br
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I saved this as a Wiki, If you stuk on the same issue please add your findings so that we do have a place we find in internet. ↩︎