Silverblue SIG meeting topics, minutes and discussion [19/06/2023]

Yes and no. We are building them, but it’s not a state ready for consumption. The full update story is not well defined yet, thus we’re staying on the current model for now.

The support for container native ostree images would also have to be added to GNOME Software and the transition for existing systems to be figured out.

Part of the existing work in progress is about bringing fixes from CoreOS to Silverblue, and is a pre-requisite for building container images:

I started working on this last night. I figured just whacking in the list of packages from the compose files would get me up and running but didn’t get that far yet.

I got about 1/3 of the way through and started to wonder if instead it might be better to do clone ci-test and do it earlier in the process?

Not that anyone would want to support it but if I can figure out a working test image of silverblue but at the coreos throttle setting then I’m going to see if it can work (unless someone tells me it’s a wild goose chase at this point).

To clarify (and I’ll put this in the header next time):

The meeting will be at 14:00UTC and is held from the #silverblue channel on IRC and Matrix (where a Jitsi link is dropped to start the meeting).

Join us!

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Meeting 2023-06-19



Logo redesign

No strong feelings, happy to ask Design team to go ahead with the proposal by @jimmac from two years ago (here).

James noted that in the medium term it would be nice to move towards a design representing the “core” and “layers” (like the CoreOS logo) instead of “trees” and “branches”. Allan expressed a wish to avoid the more “generic” look of the sub-brand logos for Workstation, Server etc, since they don’t work very well out of the context of the other logos.

Will request Design team pick this up.

Constant stable tree

Allan pointed out that the scale of the changes are different (to CoreOS - particularly because of GNOME), which potentially loses us an opportunity to talk about “what’s new”. But this approach isn’t something that’s been discussed before in the context of Workstation.

James is going to bring this to the Workstation Working Group to discuss.

Silverblue Prime Directive

Jimmac expressed that his view is broader than the specifics of what technology to use - that it’s “one OS” which everyone is using (with associated benefits to user experience, stability, etc). Jask agreed with this, but saw this also as a question of what goes into that “one OS”, which has been a somewhat contentious question (e.g. Firefox). Allan pointed out that a lot of teams build things that combine to make Silverblue, and that it’s important to talk to them as well.

No action on this for now.


We’ll keep pushing…



This discourse topic will serve as a basis for conversation around the meeting for 7 days after the meeting ends. At that point a new topic will be created to discuss/plan ahead of the next meeting, which is on July 3rd at 1400UTC.

Thank you to everyone that joined and/or contributed! It was great to see you all!

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