I recently did a routine update through the GUI (Discover) around the 20th of March 2022, and since then my screens will remain ‘dead’ after waking the machine from sleep. I have not had this problem before and all was working smoothly. I tried rolling back, but that didn’t work
My system specs are:
Fedora 35 (KDE)
GPU is Nvidia GTX 1050 Ti
I have the nvidia drivers installed from the RPM fusion repository.
After a bit of research, I found this old thread that is talking about a problem that seems to be almost identical. In the thread they go on to discuss a bug 1900890 that created a similar problem on Fedora 33.
I have tried the solutions/work-arounds that were provided in the above bug discussion, but none of them have fixed my problem.
This is now becoming very annoying as I have to for restart the machine in order to get my screens working again.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I am desperate at this stage and don’t have much hair left to pull out!
Check power settings. Does machine goes to suspend mode, or just the monitor goes blank after some time. Second, can You ssh to that machine, or even ping it? If yes, then it is a video problem, if no then it is waking from suspend.
Have you tried booting with the older kernel version? I got new kernel with update from March 18. edit: I don’t have any Nvidia card but I’ve heard about problems. https://rpmfusion.org/Howto/NVIDIA Switching between nouveau/nvidia section.
You did not tell us the kernel version, if the system was updated using dnf or discover, the version of the nvidia driver, or anything else that may actually be critical.
Please post the output of inxi -Fzxx so we can see the details of your config.
I have a system with F35 and an nvidia Geforce 1050 Ti that I keep fully updated with the nvidia 510 drivers and have never had an issue. I do not, however, allow it to sleep or suspend. It is always running except for the occasional reboots when software is updated.
There is some info about suspend/sleep using nvidia that may be relevant at Howto/NVIDIA - RPM Fusion
Make sure you are uptodate and reboot sudo dnf update -y
This suspend issue is quite hard to debug so provide details.
Now Adding to that @computersavvy told to give inxi output in <>
When system doescnot resume
Give journalctl -b -1
System after 5min of boot
And journalctl --since="-5 minutes also
This issue mostly originates from kernel or graphics driver. Edit: have you tried with oldest kernel that available in grub try to boot with that and see if the system issues exist there also check this before you make update as i have told you above
@computersavvy I did provide Kernel version up above in my intitial post, however I did update Kernel again last night!
Please find the most recent read-out below:
I see you are using 3 monitors, and all available ports on that GPU.
Have you tried to see what would happen if you disconnected the monitors from the DP and the DVI before you put the machine to sleep?
Do you have the xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-power package installed and are all 3 services mentioned on the ‘rpmfusion how-to suspend’ I posted earlier active and running? One of the fixes done by those services is to store data from the GPU memory to enable recovery of the graphics when the system wakes up.
Are you only sleeping or hibernating? Sleeping keeps the config in RAM where hibernation requires a physical swap device for storage and recovery. There also may be an entry in the grub kernel command line that says something like resume=UUID where the UUID is the swap device used to resume (needed for hibernation recovery).
I fixed that in your post above.
Please always use the </> Preformatted text tags to format the data as seen on screen.
Note that the tags must be on the line above and the line below the text to actually retain the formatting.
I am hoping that F36 will fix this problem somehow, because Fedora seems to have had sleep/hibernate issues for years and has not been able to resolve them. Sadly, if I can’t get this fixed I may have to consider another daily driver.
So i’ve checked that the xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-power package is installed, it is. All 3 packages are also running. Like I said, Hibernate works perfectly, it’s only sleep that seems to screw up and monitors somehow not getting a signal to restart!
For information, I had the same issue until I plug another screen on HDMI port.
When I turn the PC in locked mode or sleep mode the both screen turn black and when I wake up the PC they all turn on. If I do the same without the second screen connected (HDMI) the laptop screen never come back. But in that state if i connect the HDMI port, the laptop come back and i can unplug the HDMI screen.
Hope it helps
Has anyone found a solution or work around this?
In my case goes as follow: If I let it hibernate or go to sleep, when I try to wake it up, the screen won’t react; as if there was no signal, as if no input was sent from the computer. Restarting the computer starts the screen and everything works as intended. This bug us more or less inconsistent I’d say 50% of the time happens.
What I have tried and haven’t work: unplugging-plugging; changing HDMI port from GPU to CPU; plugging a different screen.
I run F37. Any more hardware information needed I can provide.