iss there some Hardware with low power consumption as the raspberry pi but x86-64?
Getting devicetree, Bluetooth, overlay configured is a nasty thing so I would like to switch the hardware.
it runs some containers as part of my decentralised automation system
There is the Radxa X4 that has a form factor that is really close to the Pi 4 and 5 boards. It can run either with passive or active cooling. Below are a couple of resources on that board:
thx for the prompt answers < 4-6 W is the range I’m looking for.
Radxa X4 could be reasonable prices alternative.
It shall solely run FCOS plus around four containers:
iobroker smarthome
(it will only run a Peripheral Instance, a distributed I/O Instance seamlessly integrated into the master instance running on a strong NAS in the basement. The NAS is operated byTrueNAS Scale thx to the latest docker integration although full docker network integration comes with a release following the upcoming release)
z-wave server or (Zigbee server plus Zwave JS )
it will serve Zigbee, Zwave, and BLE communication with devices installed in my flat.