Performance Issue, Microstutter, Blackscreen after sleep | F40 l KDE l NVIDIA l

Hello everyone :wave:

I’m experiencing significant performance issues with my Fedora 40 KDE setup and would appreciate any help or advice. My system specs are:

Motherboard: Asus Z390
CPU: Intel i9-9900K
Driver: 555.58.02 from Fedora 40 non free 
Storage: 970 EVO with Btrfs and LUKS encryption

The problems I’m encountering include:

Lag When Maximizing and Moving Windows: There’s noticeable lag when interacting with windows, whether I’m maximizing, minimizing, or moving them around. This issue also extends to gaming, with severe microstutter in games like 0 A.D. and War Thunder .

Lockscreen: Blackscreen after locking the screen when using wayland but not with x11.

Sleep Issues: My system fails to recover from sleep. I tried creating a /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf,

options nvidia NVreg_EnableGpuFirmware=0
options nvidia NVreg_PreserveVideoMemoryAllocations=1

So the common fix GPS did not work

nvidia-smi -q | grep GSP
GSP Firmware Version                  : N/A

Additionally, I suspect that KDE might be culprit to the issue. I tested both KDE and GNOME live media, and the KDE live media was sluggish and sometimes hung, whereas GNOME performed better.

I’ve attempted several troubleshooting steps, including reinstalling the NVIDIA drivers, switching to X11, and reviewing configuration files with the help of ChatGPT. :robot:

New Linux user here, so I’m grateful for any help I can get. Cheers! :pray:

Removed gnome, performance, sleep, wayland

did you try creating a /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf

options nvidia NVreg_EnableGpuFirmware=0
options nvidia NVreg_PreserveVideoMemoryAllocations=1

type nvidia-smi -q | grep GSP in konsole
If GSP Firmware Version : N/A the conf works.

this did not work for me, but it’s a common fix.