Openh264 update issue

Facing issues while updating fedora
openh264-2.4.1-2.fc40.x86_64: Cannot download, all mirrors were already tried without success

Cannot download Packages/o/openh264-2.4.1-2.fc40.x86_64.rpm: All mirrors were tried; Last error: Interrupted by header callback: Inconsistent server data, reported file Content-Length: 377, repository metadata states file length: 430357 (please report to repository maintainer)

Hi, perhaps refreshing the cache can help:

sudo dnf makecache --refresh

still not fixed

I think that typically means you’re being blocked from accessing the file and you’re getting an error message instead (hence the small size).

What do you see if you try to download it from here?: Index of /openh264/40/x86_64/os/Packages/o


Showing this

Thnks bro now fixed

how did you fix it?

1.remove the existing openh264 package
2. download the package manually using a vpn
3. install that package using sudo rpm -i <package path>
4. install whatever else you were trying to install before
Done :slight_smile:

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I solved using the idea of excluding openh264* from dnf updates
Follow the following commands

sudo nano /etc/dnf/dnf.conf
then add the following at the end of a file
It worked for me.

As much as i know You need openh264 to play mp4 videos if you are using native packages , won’t affect if you use flatpaks to play video files.

Hi, bro can you tell me how did you fix that , i have the exact issue with fedora 41

Searching for the message from the screenshot returns information about some services blocked by the government DPI/firewall, and this particular case must be a false positive.

To solve this kind of problem, you can utilize censorship circumvention methods like VPN, Tor, proxy, etc.

Here’s a simple workaround, assuming that your government does not block Tor:

sudo dnf install tor
sudo systemctl enable tor.service --now
sudo torsocks dnf upgrade --refresh

it’s working thank you bro