hey there
i have the problem that, when i try to install akmod-nvidia and the cuda stuff on fedora 41 (plasma, xorg/x11) over rpm fusion repos, the installation is skipped (dnf) due to non-resolveable dependencies. any hints here? is this a problem about the repo or is there perhaps a problem with my packages and applications?
message from dnf:: Packages with unresolvable dependencies are skipped: akmod-nvidia
None of those are from a current fedora repo and all are for f39. Some are not even from the rpmfusion repo.
All appear to have been installed with dnf4, probably before upgrading to f41
I think you will find that you need to remove all currently installed nvidia packages, ensure that you have disabled the modular nvidia-driver, then start clean with a current f41 repo and install ONLY from one or the other repos.
To cleanly remove nvidia packages that are installed by rpm the command sudo dnf remove \*nvidia\* --exclude nvidia-gpu-firmware should work.
Then to find out if the modular nvidia-driver is enabled the command dnf module list --enabled should show that
Your choice for using either the cuda-fedora41 repo or the rpmfusion repos but having packages installed from both seem to cause the conflicts.
Disabling the currently enabled cuda-fedora39-12-6-local repo the command (with dnf5) should be sudo dnf config-manager setopt <repo-id>.enabled=0
In general, unless you are doing cuda development there is no reason to install packages from the cuda-fedoraXX repos. Most of us suggest only installing from rpmfusion and that is done with one command to also include cuda. sudo dnf install akmod-nvidia xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-cuda
Cleaning up what is already installed then running that one command (and waiting for about 5 minutes after it completes before rebooting) should solve the issues.