No Wifi Adapter Found For Fedora 40

I downloaded windows 11 iso for my Virtual Machine. I ran into issue with the kernel, and so I disabled secure boot, and ran these two commands:
Sudo dnf install make time perl gcc dkms kernel-devel kernel-headers



After rebooting my PC, I couldn’t go back on the internet I kept getting the error “No Wifi Adapter Found” how do I solve this issue?

Does it work if you boot with your previous kernel? (You’ll probably need to hold SHIFT while booting to get the boot menu to show.)

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It does. What does that mean?

The dkms package is for managing drivers. Unfortunately, I think the current version has a bug that is preventing them from being built when new kernels are installed. There is a fix in the pipeline.[1]

For now, you might want to just undo that last update transaction. I think sudo dnf history undo last might work (assuming you haven’t done other transactions in the interim). Use dnf history list to see what transactions have been run.

  1. ↩︎

I got these errors while undoing the last transaction:

Cannot find rpm nevra “kernel-6.10.7-200.fc40.x86_64”.
Cannot find rpm nevra “kernel-core-6.10.7-200.fc40.x86_64”.
Cannot find rpm nevra “kernel-modules-6.10.7-200.fc40.x86_64”.
Cannot find rpm nevra “kernel-modules-core-6.10.7-200.fc40.x86_64”.
Cannot find rpm nevra “kernel-modules-extra-6.10.7-200.fc40.x86_64”.

Right. How about if you add --skip-unavailable? (Although adding that might prevent it from removing the bad kernel. I’m not sure.)

It said:
Problem: The operation would result in removing the following protected packages: kernel-core
( Try to add ‘- -skip-broken’ to skip uninstallable packages)

So I tried ‘- -skip-broken’ and received the same error:
Problem: The operation would result in removing the following protected packages: kernel-core

I think that is something new. I’m pretty sure it used to be possible to remove kernel-core. Other options around the problem would include configuring your boot loader to always pick the working kernel by default or maybe you could “fix” the current kernel by just uninstalling the dkms package and re-running the kernel-install script. Installing the updated dkms package from the updates-testing repo and re-running kernel-install (with the right parameters) might also work.

Edit: It’s also possible that dkms isn’t the problem and your WiFi driver just doesn’t work in the latest kernel (but I think that is less likely).

Edit2: You are booted to the older/working kernel when running dnf history undo last right? You wouldn’t be able to uninstall the lastest kernel if you are actively using it.

FWIW, since that xboxconifg program appears to be a third-party add-on that might not be entirely compatible with Fedora Linux, I’d recommend making a snapshot of your installation before experimenting with it further once you get your system back into working order:

I’m trying to figure out how to uninstall the dkms package. So far I’m told to use:

Sudo dnf remove dkms

When running the “dnf history undo last” command, I was running the kernel that had the issue.

That sounds right, but Linux commands are case-sensitive and usually all lower case.

I ran the kernel install script using the command:

sudo dnf install kernel-devel-6.12.7-100.fc40.x86_64

And got the error saying
“Error downloading packages:
Curl error (6): couldn’t resolve host name for [could not resolve host:]”

The kernel-devel package isn’t kernel-install script.

As for the curl (DNS) error, are you sure your networking is working?

The way to run the kernel-install script would be something like:

sudo kernel-install add 6.12.7-100.fc40.x86_64 /lib/modules/6.12.7-100.fc40.x86_64/vmlinuz

Of course, you’ll need to adjust the version number in the above line according to the kernel that you are trying to fix/reinstall.

The dkms problem is that when the drivers fail to build it did not allow initramfs to be built.

When 6.12 kernel was released a lot of 3rd parth code needs updating to support it.

Yes, my mistake. So dkms probably isn’t the problem in this case. Just removing the kernel update and trying to rebuild your driver(s) on the 6.11 kernel might be enough to resolve the problem.

Edit: I’d still recommend taking a snapshot of your root filesystem before experimenting further with that third-party xbox code.

My understanding was that the main issue with dkms was it might fail to build the drivers and thus prevented dracut from building the new initramfs image during a kernel upgrade.

My understanding from threads here was that the user could build the new initramfs themselves after booting to the older kernel by running dracut manually.
This thread is one example

To be clear it is the fact that the drivers are not compatible with the 6.12 kernel that is the cause of the build failures. Not a bug in dkms preventing them from building.

The change in dkms was to return a failure code in this case that then stopped the initramfs being built. The new dkms reverts this failure code change.

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