Nmcli "The Wi-Fi Network could not be found."

When trying to connect to specific networks, I get Error: Connection activation failed: The Wi-Fi network could not be found.

I’ve tried pretty much everything I could find on the internet
I tried disabling rand mac. Nothing
Settings BSSID? Nothing
Running nmcli dev wifi rescan before connecting? Nothing
Setting the band to either A or B/G manually? Nothing

Anything I could find with a google search, I’ve tried.
It worked the first few times I connected, but then it stopped working, which is a trend considering this has happened with every single distro I’ve tried. My laptop has a mt7921e wifi adapter. I’ve checked the firmware, and they’re update to date.

This issue is also present when trying to connect to my phone’s hotspot manually, but when it automatically connects to it, it works fine?

This is what I got from journalctl -u NetworkManager

inxi -n:

~❯ inxi -n
Device-1: Realtek RTL8111/8168/8211/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet
driver: r8169
IF: enp2s0 state: down mac: 74:5d:22:1e:37:27
Device-2: MEDIATEK MT7921 802.11ax PCI Express Wireless Network Adapter
driver: mt7921e
IF: wlp3s0 state: up mac: fe:ba:5d:34:a0:39

I am genuinely at a loss. I’ve had this issue with linux for over a year now. Whatever other info you need, just let me know.

You can see LHDB “probes” with this WiFi chip. Many systems have problems, and some comments mention different behaviour for fresh boots, or switching between Windows and Linux.
If your system has a network card you can replace you may want to switch to a more reliable card.

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I really wish I could switch the card, but I don’t own the laptop as it’s my schools and has been lent to me for the duration of my studies. I’m thinking of either sucking it up and using my phone as a middle-man, or buying an external Wi-Fi dongle that I use for networks I can’t normally connect to.

Also the link you posted is a 404.

You probably just have to go over the start-page and do your own Create a probe