Error: Connection activation failed: No suitable device found for this connection

This is a continuation of post: Wired connection not working fedora 41 (dualboot linux/win10)

The networking port worked fine in Kernel 6.8… but in updating to 6.10 the network port broke. I am now in kernel 6.12 .

I redid all the steps in the solution of the above post:

However when nmcli connection up ethernet :
I get the error:

Error: Connection activation failed: No suitable device found for this connection (device lo not available because profile is not compatible with device (connection type is not “loopback”)).

I have done some searching, i have found similar issues but no clear solution.

One issue that may be relevant is windows. On some systems if windows shuts down the network devices they cannot be enabled in linux.

Try booting to windows and make certain that you are not using fast boot nor hibernation/sleep in windows when it is shut down.

late reply,

just disabled fast boot and hibernation, sleep was already disabled.

i redid the last command but i still have the same error.