New GUI Anaconda (fedora 42) doesn't allow to me to add my /home partition in another drive

I’ve got two ssd which contain the following:

  1. ssd which has /boot/efi, /boot and /
  2. ssd which has /home, separte disk for I’ve need to reinstall again and don’t lose config

I’ve download fedora 42 beta with mediawriter in a USB, startit and install

in the advanced settings Anaconda allow me to select both drivers, it allow me to works with drive 1 and I can select the mount point and format it if is necesary, but when I want to add the drive 2 it appears in list but I can’t select it and works with it, I also click on the botton to add more mountain point

more info


Please report this in the fedora bugtracker so the developers get to see the issue.


I only get tree options

  1. use entire disk
  2. share disk with other operating system
  3. mount point assignment, which I’ve selected in my question

I think click on the top right corner on the three dots and click and start the storage editor

I don’t see the options, like in fedora magazine:

  1. reinstall fedora
  2. use configured storage
  3. The pop-up doesn’t show start the storage editor until you press the three dots on the top right corner


Is a bit confuse because fedora magazine and live-CD are not sync


That feature really should be there, good work finding it.
Awesome if you submit a bug so it works on release.

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Hmm working here nicely

What if you run the install again and this time reuse the existing /home on the second disk but over write the first disk?

Pics in Actions

  1. Select the two Drivers

  1. Mouihnt point assigment

nvme01p1 is /boot/efi
nvme0n1p2 is /boot
var/lib/machines is / → why not nvme01n1p3??? like “Storage Editor” show it

  1. As you can see I can’t select ATA WDC WDS500G2B0A 500

  1. Star Storage Editor (old blivet-gui or gparted)

From Fedora Magazine:

you can use the “Storage Editor” from Anaconda’s top-right “global” menu on the storage page.


Number 3) you can select fedora_localhost-live that is what is ATA WDC WDS500G2B0A 500 caring It’s obviously and you can see Number 4) sda1 500GB and yes you can select “Storage Editor”

Why do you have Reinstall Fedora?

I can’t see this options in mine

uhm fedora-localhost-live is (/home) ATA WDC WDS500G that why I can’t select the first level

To avoid confusion, there may be a kind of identantion there as the storage editor does.

  • () should be → WDC WDS500G2B0C-00PXH0 (nvme0n1)

    • nvme0n1p1 - /boot/efi
    • nvme0n1p2 - /boot
    • nvme0n1p3 - / (ROOT) no (var/lib/machines)
  • ATA WDCS500G2B0A500G2B0A

    • fedora_localhost-live - /home


I reinstall fedora to make a point to you that is working well new gui anaconda just you have be more familiar with
And you need go to mount point managment

Add mount select device – fedora_localhost-live and make /home mount point

Make sure you don’t select reformat of /home
and select next

OK I see your problem nvme01n1p3 not show .Can you run “disks” app and check nvme01n1p3 is mount or not

(my example is not mounted because I run iso )

Is not mounted because we are executing anaconda-gui via ISO or USB not in a phisycal instalation

Hovewer it recognise like var/lib/machines and not by nvme0n1p3 - / (ROOT), IMHO this is so confusion with this name… because /var/lib/machines it’s for containers - systemd will look here because I’ve installed docker… and as Storage Editor show var/lib/machines is a sub-volumen of nvme0n1p3.

sudo btrfs subvolume show /var/lib/machines


importd: create a loopback btrfs file system for /var/lib/machines, if necessary


Hmm great I learn something new!

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ohh anaconda-webui is smart (some kind of IA there) :thinking:, it build the option on the fly in How to you would like to install?, the question here is what configuration do I need to see these options in my box?

I don’t see the options, like in fedora magazine:

  1. reinstall fedora
  2. use configured storage


I can reproduce the problem take advadtange of Vmware (because now free for commercial, educational, and personal use!) and it use nvme as storage (NVM storage, or non-volatile memory storage, is a type of computer memory that retains data even when the power is turned off. It is commonly used in devices like solid-state drives (SSDs) and USB flash drives, allowing for long-term data storage without needing a continuous power supply.)

  1. I download a Fedora 41 image and make the following partition and install it:

This is the shema wich I use in f41 with advanced settings with blivet-gui

  1. I download Fedora 42 beta:
  • select destination

  • mount point assigment

var/lib/machine is taken as /
I add it mount point as /home

  • This is storage editor

n1p1 is bios
n1p2 is /boot
var/lib/machine is /home this is complety wrong, I I’ve mentioned before and you can see in next pics.

  • This is the review and install

  • this is in Fedora 42 /home is not mounted with view with utility disks

n1p1 mounted BIOS

n1p2 mounted /boot

n1p3 mounted as / (ROOT)

This is to check is /home is mounted, and is not mounted

This is Fedora 42 boot ISO again to see is options like Reinstall Fedora appears

and another think you can see here it appears twice var/lib/machine /var/lib/machines/var/lib/machines


What I’m observing here in the screenshot many of you are working with a ext4 storage filesystem.


Here is How I’ve partitioned my schema, step by step:

  1. /home

  • Schema of nvme0n2

  1. The rest

  • / (ROOT)

you can do it in another way like this

  • Schema of nvme0n1


You should review Storage Editor

  • nvme0n1

    • /bios
    • /boot
    • / (ROOT)
  • nvme0n2

    • /home
  1. Storage Editor doens’t see nvm0n2 (/home)

which select top-level or /var/lib/machines??? let select the last one

  1. review 1

nvme0n1 /boot and / (ROOT)
nvme0n2 /home

  1. review 2

  1. review 3

  1. Storage Editor select nvme0n2 instead of nvme0n1 if is so What happened with /home from fedora 41??? which was mapped to nvme0n2.

Is seem nvme0n2 was converted in nvme0n1 and nvme0n1 was converted in nvme0n2 (swapping) :thinking: :face_with_peeking_eye:

5.- Review of the previous point

6.- Again the case of /var/lib/machines/var/lib/machines


I can reproduce the problem under KVM too with VIrtIO storage, these is a list of the problems I’ve found:

  1. I don’t see reinstall Fedora option.
  2. /var/lib/machine is too confused as a name for a normal $USER and is not the proper place to install and that is the principal reason of /var/lib/machines appears two times.
  3. I can’t add /home disk but it showed in Storage Editor.
  4. Offer mount point for Top-level and _/var/lib/machine Which one is one to select???

If you start the installer again after fedora 42 installation you can see this:

  1. Offer mount point for Top-level and _/var/lib/machine and /var/lib/machine/var/lib/machine/ again Which one is one to select???.

nothing different from vmware part


Please be CAREFULL with gnomde-disk-utiliy under VMWARE, use instead:

  • df -h
  • lsblk
  • cat fstab

to ensure /home is mounted



Trying to define the schema with Storage Manager:

1.I don’t see disk with /home
2. I don’t know was is TOP LEVEL subvolume, which I can:
* Edit mountain point
* Mount
* Create a sub-volume
(This should be the following → if I select system files btrfs should be btrfs.66 or if I select a volumen btrfs should be fedora see screenshot before Why this is neccesary to display???)
