Did you create a btrfs volume (partition) and subvolume?
I guess that since you are looking at sda and using btrfs you possibly need to create the btrfs partition (volume) then create a sub-volume and use the subvolume for the file system. It would be mounted similar to the way / and /home are mounted in /etc/fstab.
There are a lot of threads here about how to do that if you have not already researched the process.
I am not a btrfs specialist, just a user.
Looking at the screenshot it looks like you have used /dev/sda for the btrfs file system, which is the unpartitioned harddrive. Is this correct?
Anytime I use btrfs, I create a partition, e.g. /dev/sda1, first and format the filesystem in this partition. This never failed until now.
If you use /dev/sda instead, as far as I understand, the partition table is part of your file system and thus overwritten by the file system. This configuration is at least not recommended. Might this be the source of trouble, that some tool has overwritten the partition table and thus part of your btrfs filesysstem?
I would highly recommend to use a partition for the filesystem and not the whole disk (next time)…
Beyond this, there is the command btrfs rescue:
$ btrfs rescue <subcommand> <args>
You can find more detailed information on the man pages for btrfs-rescue:
$ man btrfs-rescue
I cannot guide you nuch further from here and hope this leads you to a solution.
I cross my fingers!
In case the rescue is successful and there is no hardware damage to the drive, I would recommend to backup the data, create a new partition table on the drive, create a partition, format this partition with btrfs, create a btrfs subvolume, mount this subvolume and restore the data there.
Hello @ransan ,
Could you please sudo btrfs subvolume list /dev/sda? Then post result. Do NOT try rescue or any data correction stuff with the btrfs utilities in this case as nothing is apparantly wrong with your filesystem as of yet.
Please do not recommend this unless we know the filesystem is damaged. It can potentially create more problems without being in fact necessary as of yet.
Okay, what about the actual device you are trying to mount by uuid instead of /dev/sda? So /dev/disk/by-uuid/ If btrfs isn’t seeing it it isnt formatted as btrfs
/dev/disk/by-uuid/6bc736e6-fbd0-47bf-9d80-49c05c90a9e5 /mnt/222b23c2-f526-4cd2-abbc-cafb196a3ebd auto nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-name=hdd,noauto,x-gvfs-show 0 0
The reason this is the way it is is because I had a previous drive that used the 222b23c2 UUID. Since it was already mounted to that path, I decided to use the same mount point for the new 6bc736e6 drive.
Side note: the old drive that starts with 222b is not attached to the PC at all anymore
Okay so I’m sorry for being a bit redundant here but did you make a subvolume after the formatting? There needs to be a subvolume to mount, not the volume(device).
I am sorry for your woes. But I have been there before and now I am super paranoid about my data backups.
And you still would need a subvolume to save your data to so I am having a hard time understanding how you were able to originally copy files to it.