Two years ago it was decided (a controversial decision) to move Fedora to use Gitlab instead os Pagure.
I’ve heard no updates since then, meanwhile the Pagure / pagure-dist-git development has been neglected as it was decided that it had to be done by the community while CPE team moved on working on Gitlab side.
What’s the status about the move? Is there any ETA?
@nsella ,
Form what I can see there are still things on Pagure, and I am uncertain what the overall status is. I know some issues are still present on Pagure for comps for instance.
That decision was made, but then when discussing with gitlab and
doublechecking all requirements, we couldn’t get something that met all
the requirements we had.
disclaimer: I was not involved in these talks, nor do I have exact
IMHO, we need to revisit the entire topic at some point as things have changed. (but please not here in this thread).