Menu key not working | configuration of aditional Keys

I’m on Dell Latitude 5591 and Fedora Workstation 38 and my menu key is not working - simply doing nothing. I can see the key being registered for example by Whatpulse, but it does not work and this pertains to both the external keyboard connected via USB as well as the built-in keyboard which emulates this key using a Fn+Ctrl combo. Im suspecting a keyboard layout issue, but after changing from pl_PL to en_US the problem persists. Any ideas?

Welcome to Fedora @ksetlak

I saw this article today. I think with the tools described in it, you might can further debug your problem and maybe find a solution.

What did you do so far in the Gnome Settings about your keyboard?
There is also the gnome-tweaks app you can do some more settings for the keyboard.

Is Shift & F10 doing what you are looking for?

L.S., you’ve cracked it! It was quite obscure, but in Tweaks > Keyboard & Mouse > Additional Layout Options > Key to choose the 3rd level the Menu key was checked. It is a bizarre thing to be set by default. Truth be told, I don’t even know what “Key to choose the 3rd level” means. But after unchecking it, it works correctly! thank you. I had no idea how much I actually use this key until it stopped working :smiley:

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Thank you!