Links to download Fedora Media Writer are broken for Windows and Mac

Hello Team,

The links to download Fedora Media Writer on the landing page (Fedora Workstation | The Fedora Project) are broken for Windows and Mac, it returns a 404 page not found error. I will appreciate if someone can look into this and fix these links.


Ishtiaq Ahmed
Associate Manager - Technical Support
Red Hat

Thanks for letting us know. I think this is an issue for infrastructure. The link on the webpage appears correct. I’ll create a ticket for the issue in Pagure.

Edit: ticket created: Issue #12022: fedora media writer files seem to missing - fedora-infrastructure -

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This issue should be resolved now. Thanks again for reporting the problem. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks for looking into this and following up.

Much appreciated

Best Regards,
Ishtiaq Ahmed