Let's tag NVIDIA drivers separately!

NVIDIA drivers are the cause of many problems here.

We use the nvidia tag to mark all of them.

But there are now 3 drivers by NVIDIA, afaik a 4th is coming.

  • proprietary driver, made by NVIDIA, got via rpmfusion, tagged as nvidia-proprietary
  • old opensource driver, available by default on fedora, called “nouveau”, tagged nouveau
  • new opensource community driver, just for new GPUs using the GSP, called “nova”, tagged #nova
  • (afaik) new opensource driver by NVIDIA, just for new GPUs using the GSP, tagged #nvidia-open

What do you think? Is this correct?

Afaik nova was started before NVIDIA announced their own future opensource driver for the same group of GPUs

Also we have nvidia-solution which is kinda unnecessary because we have the :ballot_box_with_check: ?

Why the odd capitalisation? NVIDIA use all caps in marketing.

They used nVidia in the past lol

I generally expect any NVIDIA driver issues to come from the proprietary driver as-is from RPM Fusion.

I’m not sure if the 3 open ones are widely-used enough for users to come to the forum and discuss issues about specifically-enough to need separate tags outside of NVIDIA, and imagine anyone using those 3 drivers know what they’re doing to specify such.

But having separate tags could be nice to point out those drivers exist (never heard of Nova until now).

What about nvidia-open for all open drivers?

That would not help as Nova is a different driver to the NVIDIA open driver.

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Yeah but Nova is open-source still; I figure the post tagging should be simple to avoid mis-tagging or complexity, and anyone knowingly using Nova and posting about it probably knows to automatically mention it.

I’m assuming if someone mentions an old non-Maxwell GPU, it’s very likely nouveau, and RTX open-source (afaik) is a user choice with manual-setup of either NV’s open-source GSP thing or Nova, needing technical requirements that would lead to posts about either specifying which one is used.