Lenovo Yoga 9 Pro 16IMH9 - Type 83DN Audio issue

So I picked up the above laptop about a month ago, and have been looking to maybe use Fedora on it for my daily driver. I

The audio subsystem suffers from a variant of the same issues mentioned in 217449 – Bass speakers not working on Lenovo Yoga Pro 9 14IRP8 to combat that, I have implemented the same fix as described here Sound is very low and missing mid/bass frequencies · Issue #2 · karypid/YogaPro-16IMH9 · GitHub but is there hope for a longterm fix? Since this is just a new variant of the multi amp bug, should I file a new bug report?

HW probe of Lenovo Yoga Pro 9 16IMH9 83... #3ca5d3e669 hardware scan from in KDE.
HW probe of Lenovo Yoga Pro 9 16IMH9 83... #6a613cc232 scan from in Gnome.
Any suggestions?

This is 2 separate issues with 2 different possible solutions.
First is audio and second is screen brightness. The GPU drivers do not manage the screen brightness so the nvidia driver is not the problem.

Please separate these issues into 2 different threads so each may be addressed appropriately.

I am not an expert in either so cannot provide useful suggestions other than this one.

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This is at least the third thread on this topic here:

I made a post on that kernel bug tracker as well since there doesn’t seem to have been any action for a few months, but I don’t know what else to do.

Are there bug bounties one can post to incentivize faster fixes, or does one have to wait until a kernel developer buys a yoga pro or someone at lenovo starts to use linux? :slightly_smiling_face: