For those of you that didn’t read through the other thread the TLDR is this:
Had to enable manual assignment in my router because otherwise port forwarding wouldn’t work on Fedora for some reason(though it works perfectly fine on other OS’s without needing to enable that…)
a) Not on TOR to my knowledge, don’t even know what that is unless you are talking about the tor network/browser for onion surfing. Which while I have used a couple of times in the past I don’t even have installed on my system atm.
b) Ok I set that option in qbit and the warning is gone.
Now I got lucky that that site(seems to be the only one) even cared enough to track and warn me about that issue that I have, for the moment, fixed in qbit and hopefully it won’t cuase issues later down the line if I just leave it like that?
But according to pretty much every site I read simply disabling ipv6 system wide(or even router wide) in “not a long term solution”…
So my question/problem now becomes(and I tried to do some google searching to learn more but to be honest all this networking stuff just goes right over my newb head… so maybe you could also try to keep your answer newb friendly?) this:
Is there some way/program to track and see if anything else on my system or router is leaking my MAC so that I can try to deal with just that tiny thing when/if it pops up as opposed to just fully disabling ipv6?
In qBittorrent ‘settings / advanced / optional IP address to bind to’ set it to just your IP4 address.
what stopped the error? Please clarify which setting stopped the error. If so it was a qBittorrent setting and I think your problem is solved but we can make sure. Disabling the UPnP could also stop qBt automatically assigning an active port accessible via IPv6.
If you have simply stopped qBittorrent binding to IPv6 is will not cause dramas later as it was the client (qBt) leaking.
In the picture it says ‘tor uptime’ I guess that could be ‘torrent uptime’. Thank you for clarifying.
Yes, it was changing the qbit advanced setting that stop the error, it is now set to “All IPv4 Addresses”. The Upnp from my router one does nothing that I can tell. Sorry if that wasn’t clear.
What I am saying is I got lucky in this case because of that website that let me know, so are the any ways to monitor and make sure that any other programs/OS components/whatever else aren’t also leaking my MAC address through ipv6(or maybe even through other means) in ways that I am currently unaware of?
Don’t overly worry.
A MAC address is, in theory, a unique identifier, that can reveal what brand interface you are on.
I can’t think of too many exploits with a MAC address. It could also be used, over time, to track you. But his doesn’t really matter because your IP address when torrenting is already public. Anyone with power who cares can get your home address in a matter of minutes. As far as I am aware the only western country that actively stops torrenting is Germany, which people say is to fund lawyers.
It is very easy to spoof (change) a MAC address on Linux. Recently mobile phones have begun to have rotating spoofed publicly broadcast MACs. But tracking phone users across cities and countries is very different use case.
Once you start worrying about computer security the task never ends. Fedora is pretty secure. No system is fully secure.
Do the right thing, have a long password, check your firewall settings and keep your system up to date. And don’t forget, keep having fun
There are actually 2 ways how default NetworkMnager configuration is leaking information:
using permanent MAC based IPv6 address
“connectivity check” - NM will every minute ping several DNS servers and even some public Fedora sites unless disabled.
To prefer temporary IPv6 address I created /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/60-ip6-privacy.conf
with contents:
To disable DNS and http(s) connectivity check I created /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/50-disable-connectivity-check.conf with contents:
Finally restart NetworkManager or rather reboot system to ensure that changes will have effect.
3rd - if you use GNOME there will be likely also active service “geoclue” that will contact Mozilla location services at boot to detect your location and provide it to selected apps - one such is in /etc/xdg/autostart/geoclue-demo-agent.desktop that wil query location on each user login.
Bit scary, but honestly I am a little more lax when it comes to browsers, after all I use Brave which is chromium based, nough said right…?
Also my fears are less about certain aspects of our current/increasingly future tracking reality and more about other stuff that can be done that I’d really not happen to me.
Like could someone that gets a hold of my MAC address clone it and use it to get me banned in certain places without my knowledge? That would be scary, suck!!
Or more extreme examples where people end up with their bank accounts emptied(not that I actually have anything in them , but hey…), though I am pretty careful(hopefully enough?) about stuff that involves that…
Thank you @hpaluch did the conf ipv6 thingy, sistem seems stable so far, hope everything is good. Nope, no gnome here, just a happy KDE Plasma user.