Port forward not working in Fedora 41, no route to host

Hello World,

I’m a 95% Linux newb, been using EndeavorOS for the past 6 months or so(otherwise I’d be at 100%), but recently had some issues that necessitated a reinstall and on peoples advice I decided to give Fedora a try as it might be better suited for me?

Ride has not been smooth so far and one MAJOR issue is I can’t get port forwarding to work in Fedora.

I finally got qbitorrent installed yesterday, and I noticed quite crap speeds/number of connections to what I was used to. So I checked canyouseeme and sure enough my forwarded port returns “no route to host”.

Things I’ve tried:

  • checked my router(an Asus RT-AXE7800) and the settings are still fine there;

  • did the settings in firewalld the same as they where on my previous EndeavourOS(arch based) where they worked;

  • tried to disable firewalld for a bit with sudo systemctl stop firewalld just to check in case somehow it was the culprit;

  • tried changing dns a couple of times;

  • tried chaging the port number everywhere(router, firewalld, qbittorrent client);

  • went to my ISP website and disabled and re-enabled that subdomain option that makes it so that ports I forward will work under their CGNAT;

  • rebooted the router several times.

None of those worked!!! :sob: :sob:

Searched google for “fedora 41 no host to router” and “fedora 41 port forwarding not working” but either solutions where to complicated for me to follow(one person wrote something about “disabled the firewall and connected via ssh”) or just didn’t seem to match my case too much those beeing about servers and stuff…

Also, to be clear, I have everything(as far as I can tell at least) set exactly the same as it was in EndeavourOS where port forwarding was working.

Running Fedora 41 with KDE Plasma(EOS was KDE Plasma too), that I installed manually from a Fedora Everything image instead of the Fedora KDE Plasma Desktop one(if it matters) so I can choose exactly what gets installed, let me know what other info I need to provide.

Thank you very much.

P.S. Not that I think/understand how this could be a qbit problem since canyouseeme(and other similar sites) should report a properly working forwarded port as “open” no matter what whichever apps you have installed on your system do with it, right? But I do believe I have the proper settings in qbit too, it’s 5.0.3 installed from Fedora Linux(the same settings I had been using for years, including recently in EOS where it was working), but heck, see for yourself:
[pics somewhere below, please scroll to find them because "new users can only have 3 embedded whatever the F’s in a post…:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: thanks]

It is best to ask unrelated questions in their own topics.

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This 100% started F41 as that’s where I started noticing random copy/paste inconsistencies like this and having to question if I really copied something right.

I want a real good explanation as to how something like copy/paste can be made inconsistent on an OS :stuck_out_tongue: (and how this apparently passed QA this long)

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Can you describe the KeePassXC problem better ? I have been using it and its been working fine for as long as I can remember. May I also ask from where did you install it from ?

I copy/paste TOTP from KeePassXC to Firefox frequently (these forums painstakingly require 2FA while I clear cookies on browser close :stuck_out_tongue:)

  1. Open KeePassXC
  2. Type or select entry with 2FA
  3. Ctrl + T (puts TOTP for entry on clipboard; KeePassXC acknowledges with timer)
  4. (Alt + Tab or mouse switch to Firefox)
  5. Click TOTP box on website → Ctrl + V

I do that within a few seconds and the final pasting part with F41 sometimes doesn’t paste the TOTP, but instead something I had on clipboard prior. I do it almost a dozen times daily and F40-older always had the TOTP on-paste. I suspect it’s something with Wayland.

In online tutorials one will often be told “just disable the firewall” or “just disable SELinux”. Do not do that!

In qBittorrent, find the port it is using (under Preferences - Connection). Then add a rule to open that port in firewalld.

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=80/tcp

Change the ‘80’ to the port you are using.

There are many online firewalld tutorials such as Documentation - HowTo - Open a Port or Service | firewalld or Control of System Accessibility by firewalld :: Fedora Docs

There are graphical frontends for firewalld. I have found it easier in the long-run to learn the terminal commands.

Torrent on! qBittorrent is great :slight_smile:

Morning everyone,

Ok so:

  1. Ran your command @vgaetera and in the middle part that shows ip:port I did spot 2 attempts(requests? whatever you call them) from random ports everything else was on the correct port that I have forwarded.
  2. Like I said @theprogram I had already made the propper settings in firewalld using the gui, made them the exact same they were in EndeavourOS where they worked like a charm. Same in qbit, proper settings, been using this program for quite a few years, so no issues there. :wink:
    But I ran your command too just in case and it said “warning already enabled/success”. Still no route to host. :sob: :sob: Tried to change the port a couple of times too, again just in case, nada…

Really new users can only mention 2 users in a post?! ?! What a stupid freaking rule, man I hate spammers sooooooo much because they push us to such idiocy…

Anyway, here is there rest of my post split in 2 because of that:

  1. @faintshadow for me the keepassxc issue steps are fairly similar to what @Espionage724 described:
    a) use the OS as normal
    b) at one point you open keepassxc, select an entry in it and hit ctrl+c
    c) keepassxc’x timer starts and it minimizes itself(a very nice feature which I don’t understand why @Espionage724 ins’t using…)
    d) I am now in whichever app(usually the browser, Brave in my case) I wanna paste in, I hit ctrl+v and instead of the entry from keepassxc beeing pasted the last entry from my clipboard gets pasted… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
    e) I open the clipboard from the little icon in the right side of the taskbar, select “clear history” and then keepassxc works the normal/expected/intended way for a while!!, but sooner or later it all starts again… :sob:

Did you install a clipboard handling app? Is it interfering with keepassxc?

Nope, the default thing that comes with plasma, this:

Oh cmon, any suggestions pretty please, at least for the connection issue, anything at all?! I can’t stay with a borked connection and I don’t wanna have to find something else and go through another grueling os reinstall process, I just finished one!.. :sob:

Well I run qBittorrent behind a carrier CGNAT and it works well. I get full line speeds.
I checked my system on ‘can you see me’ and it returned Error: I could not see your service.

Just how bad is your qBittorrent connection? Could it just be the weather?

What happens when you use Transmission client?

There is a qBittorrent forum https://forum.qbittorrent.org

What version of qBittorrent are you using.

You could title your post ‘qBittorent speeds slow after switching to Fedora’

Have you removed and then installed qBittorrent again?

Is Use UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding from my router checked?

Are you using a VPN?

Under Tools/Options/Connection: Enabled Protocol - set to TCP (just TCP, not ‘TCP and uTP’)
Uncheck all boxes under ‘Listening Port’ and ‘Connections Limits’.
Tools>Options>Speed: Uncheck all boxes under ‘Rate Limits Settings’. (from Reddit - Dive into anything)


It would be really great to split this into 2 posts, it gets kinda messy otherwise.

I would keep this the “how do I make quittorrent and firewalld use open ports” question, and move the rest to a new thread.

You can create the thread, I move the posts.

To the firewall issue, you can open qbittorrent settings and set a firewall port. This may be random by default.

I did this at a time, worked.

Btw, are you using qBittorrent RPM (with dnf) oe Flatpak?

Ok @boredsquirrel edited the main post and did what I could, sadly it would not let me edit the title of the thread(will try to ask a moderator, nevermind it seems I can’t message either as a new user… @ankursinha a little help pretty please?), if it had I would have chosen “Port forward not working in Fedora 41, no route to host.”

To complete my main post and answer theprogram(of course I can only mention 2 users in a post… sorry mate, you didn’t make the cut) at the same time:

P.S. Oh and to asnwer your “Just how bad is your qBittorrent connection? Could it just be the weather?” question too theprogram, let me put it this way. When everything works in a normal day I upload somewhere between 800GB-1TB. Since switching to Fedora I upload about 30GB a day…

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Hello, is that better? (Sorry I haven’t had a chance to go through the full post yet, so I’ve just used what you had noted.)

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I agree that you have your qBittorrent setting correct and you are a mad uploader. Can’t slow down the swarm now can we?

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Instead of

Use UPnP / NAT-PNP port forwading from my router

Can you set up manual port forwarding from your router?

What is the reply when you


(Where xxxxx is your opened port)

I haven’t read what after this msg but have you tried turning it off to see if it works or not ? so we can identify the problem here also I might add, Try installing KeePassXC from this repo

Yes it’s perfect @ankursinha , thank you very much.

Nope, we certainly can’t. :grin:
(not to mention, on a more serious note, that it also makes me feel like a total royal arse when I download with 50++ mb/s from people with working port forward and then I upload with… well, you get the gist, right?)
That curl command takes a good long while and then it spits out curl: (52) Empty reply from server

And yeah, I alreadsy have all the configs done properly in the router, at least in the same way with which port forwarding worked in both EndeavourOS and winshit 10.
I have no idea why/what, if anything, would need to be specifically changed just for Fedora…

Oh and one other thing I tried that I forgot to mention in the list from the main post is I did reboot my router, several times, still nada… :sob:

P.S. My Discover store doesn’t offer as many details there @faintshadow , nor do I know how to set it to do that, but here’s a pic, initially I installed it from the third option that says “Fedora Linux”. I am currently testing the one in the middle(Flathub), and I’ll update if it happens with this version too. But since I bothered to create seperate threads shouldn’t we move keepassxc related stuff to that one?