Latest upgrade added unwanted packages?f

After my latest upgrade I now have a layered GIMP package (in addition to the one I already had installed from the fedora remote) and also I noticed a bunch of other added packages including things like the GTK2 version of Adwaita. I accidentally upgraded while using my work network, so I’m not sure if it could be related or not… anyone else seeing this after their most recent upgrade?

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Yes, I also saw this, and others have mentioned it on the #silverblue IRC channel, so I guess it’s something that’s accidentally slipped into today’s build.

Not me, but I use the Gimp flatpak, it works great! As for some packaging with relationship to GTK2 would likely have to do with the inevitable adoption of GTK3.

I saw the additional packages yesterday too, but today’s update solved it.

I also use the GIMP flatpak; there’s no real need to overlay it anymore, unless you need an extension not already flatpak’d. But there are a bunch of the best ones already available in Flatpak.

Name Description Flatpak extension
BIMP Batch Image Manipulation Program, a GIMP plugin to apply a set of manipulations to an entire group of images! org.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.BIMP
FocusBlur Focus Blur plug-in crete a blurring effect similar to Depth of Field. org.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.FocusBlur
Fourier A simple GIMP plug-in to do fourier transform on your image. org.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.Fourier
G’MIC GREYC’s Magic for Image Computing org.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.GMic
GimpLensfun GimpLensfun is a Gimp plugin to correct lens distortion using the lensfun library and database. org.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.Lensfun
LiquidRescale LiquidRescale plugin to resize pictures non uniformly while preserving their features, i.e. avoiding distortion of the important parts. org.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.LiquidRescale
Resynthesizer Set of GIMP plug-ins that heal (in-paint), synthesize texture, theme an image, and more org.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.Resynthesizer

Just install it like this in a terminal:

flatpak install org.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.GMic

Add whatever ones you want to the same command line to install many at once.

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Yeah it seems they removed all those installed packages a day or two later. No harm, no foul.