Latest update with kernel broke nvidia

I have 2 different machines. Both are f40 and were updated to the 6.9.5 kernel. The updates were done using dnf and allowing plenty time between the kernel update and the reboot to the new kernel.

Both are working well.
My laptop has the 550.90.07 driver from rpmfusion
My desktop has the 555.52.04 from rpmfusion with using --releasever=41 since that version is in testing for rawhide at present.

I don’t know how you performed the updates but you may be a victim of the issue which has a solution here.

It seems that frequently when using the gui (gnome software) to do updates, the reboot may occur too quickly after the upgrade completes and the driver may not be properly and completely built before that reboot so it fails. The same seems to occur at times when doing the update with dnf using the --offline option.

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