Keyboard layout switching stopped working

After installing the system with KDE Plasma (Macbook Air M1) and updating everything, I’ve added two keyboard layouts in the Keyboard GUI settings: English (UK) and Ukrainian. Switching between these worked, an indicator in the status bar showed which layout was currently selected. But then I rebooted and it stopped working - no indicator, no switching, only the first layout on the list is always active.

My ~.config/xkbrc:


localectl output:

System Locale: LANG=en_GB.utf8
    VC Keymap: gb
   X11 Layout: gb
    X11 Model: applealu_iso

Is this a known issue? Some people online report having a similar problem with KDE on Arch-based distros, and recommend uninstalling fcitx5, which I don’t have installed at all.

After updating today I’ve noticed that if the order of layouts is like this:

  1. English UK
  2. Ukrainian

Then I can’t switch them.

If it’s reversed, I can.

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I’ve reproduce this with English US (us). This looks to be a KDE bug, reported in 501917 – Keyboard layout switching breaks if the first layout matches the system layout