When I initiate a shutdown in Fedora, the screen goes black, but my PC remains hot, indicating that it might not be shutting down properly. This issue seems to have started after updating to version 6.5.6-100.fc37.x86_64. Has anyone else encountered this problem, and if so, do you have any suggestions on how to resolve it? Your insights would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I think I’ll go to remove the last installed kernel
sudo dnf remove kernel-core-6.5.6-100.fc37
and then
sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
Now I’m testing if the shutdown and reboot process works on 6.4.15-100.fc37.x86_64
Note that F37 is slated to become EOL in about a month.
Instead of trying to solve the issue with F37 I would suggest that you update to either F38 or F39, then see if the problem exists in the newer version. There is a lot of software in F37 that has been updated already in F38 and will be updated or possibly even outdated in F39, and the issues you see in F37 have likely already been solved. Thus continuing to try and fix a problem in F37 is akin to beating a dead horse – it has no benefit.
it seems like it has been fixed on F38 i had same issue before on F38, but now i dont have issues anymore after 2 days/nights testing cant see an shutdown issues anymore even battery drain is disappeared. this morning start boot after shutdown batery 100% on shutdown after boot 98% so it does actually shutdown now no issues.
been seen some reports that apps on bakground might cause issues like Steam if it is running on background still when starting shutdown issue and shutting down manually all background apps before shutdown prevents shutdown issues
My laptop is quite old, and I’m concerned about upgrading to F38. It’s worth considering that at the moment, in F37, I’ve resolved the issue by removing the last installed kernel. Should I take the risk and try it, and would I have the option to downgrade if the new release doesn’t support my old hardware?
To be sure what a upgrade will support your hardware you can download a live fedora image, write it to a USB stick and boot your laptop from it.
If it all works then you can be confident that an upgrade will support your laptop.
Until F39 is officially released I would not upgrade to it, go to F38.
Oh and all the Fedora versions always run the same up to date kernel.
As you had a problem with 6.5.6-100 on F37 you are likely to also see the same kernel on F38 and F39. You may need to wait for a fixed kernel to have the shutdown work.
If would help to raise a bug report so that the fedora kernel folks are aware of a regression.
I intended to reuse the same USB stick for Fedora 37, but Fedora 38 requires a larger one. Upon testing, I observed that the YouTube tab in Firefox kept crashing. This doesn’t necessarily indicate that my hardware is unsupported; it could be related to GPU acceleration settings. However, it highlights the challenge of replicating various configuration settings to assess compatibility, even with a live preview test.
I’ve decided to prioritize security by adhering to safe computing practices without performing DNF updates, aiming to avoid potential performance and compatibility issues
Note that “safe computing practices” won’t prevent 0-click exploits when upstream sites are compromised, so it isn’t a good idea to ignore all updates,
and takes extra work to track the most critical updates.
Another drawback to avoiding DNF updates is that when you do encounter a problem, others users may not be able to duplicate the issue. By keeping up with DNF updates you are staying in sync with the Fedora Community.
If I decide to upgrade to Fedora 38, which kernel version will it include? In the Fedora 38 preview, it seems to be a lower version, not the latest. So, the preview does not exhibit the shutdown issue, but landing into a release with a different kernel would invalidate the test done on the preview, both in terms of performance and compatibility.
Currently, the only update I’m holding back on is kernel 6.5.6-100.fc37 due to the mentioned blocking issue, which I’ve shared with the Fedora Community. I’ll continue to monitor the situation and see how it evolves in the future.
The release iso contains kernel 6.2.9. Any upgrade from that point would get the latest, 6.5.6.
The release iso is slightly larger than the one for F37, and does require a usb device larger than 2GB.
On Amazon.com I find a 1TB flash drive for $30 and 128GB for ~$11.
A 32GB is ~$7 and a 5 pack of 32GB is ~$20. All are USB 3.0.
Flash drives are cheap today so don’t hesitate to get one that is larger than 2GB
When doing a dnf system-upgrade process it will already include the latest version of all packages, including the kernel
You can also download a live monthly spin of workstation at Index of /pub/alt/live-respins
The latest there as of today is dated 20230930 so it has the entire fedora 38 system with updates as of the date created.
Excellent, thanks. I’ve downloaded the F38-KDE-x86_64-LIVE-20230930.iso ! I was looking for that spin indeed.
I’m writing it with Fedora media Writer to a 4GB that I’ve found at home and I also already have a 1TB Toshiba portable storage but why should I use 1TB in this process? By the way, which laptop would you suggest to buy on Amazon instead? (in Europe)
I don’t know if it’s related to this shutdown issue. but I’m going to test the latest kernel also with X11 instead of Wayland. Test done, it’s unrelated. Not only the shutdown does not complete but also my internal wifi stops working.