Give input on a Fedora Design Week by leaving feedback on this ticket or get involved with coordination by filling out this WhenIsGood: Fedora Design Week - Coordination Meeting
The following is copied from the Mindshare Ticket found here: Issue #359: Creative Freedom Summit - Hosted by the Fedora Design Team (Formerly: Fedora Design Week) - mindshare -
At Nest with Fedora 2022 we had a handful of design related sessions and it got me thinking about doing a Fedora Design event. I have also been co-mentoring a Fedora Badges Design intern, and although they’ve completed a lot- there is still plenty to do! Beyond that, there is a lot of wonderful community activity currently happening around and related to design. We have regular ongoing projects, backlogs, and new exciting design work that is all being worked on currently.
- Onboard & teach skills to new contributors
- Teach skills to existing contributors
- Network & build relationships with other OSS communities
- Connect the Fedora Design team with the greater Fedora community
- Holding/recording tutorial sessions on “how-to’s” for different software & specific to Fedora design needs (Inkscape, penpot, gimp, natron, kdenlive, blender, etc)
- Work through backlogs on the Design & Badges queue
- Work on Fedora wallpaper(s) that are in progress
- Conduct usability testing for new Fedora websites
- Move badge designs from old template to new template & push new art
- Collaborate with the Marketing Team for their revival
- Update documentation
- Virtual event that lasts a week
- Platform ideas: hopin, meet, bluejeans, peertube, workadventure, other?
What’s next?
- Put together a working group to coordinate/plan/execute the event
- Decide on dates, format
- Create documentation (wiki page?) about the event, start formatting & adding resources
- Find speakers, session leads, people willing to give tutorials
- Accumulate recommended resources on different tools/Fedora sub-projects
- Networking- what other communities/orgs can we work with or model this event on
- Promotion, we want Fedorans & beyond to participate in the event
- Plan for some wrap up session/event
What can you do?
- Comment on this thread with ideas & requests for the event
- Volunteer to be a part of the working group
- Participate in the event
How can I be a part of the working group?
- Project/program management (Herding cats, keeping things focused & moving along)
- Marketing/Communications (Blog posts, mailing list, IRC/Element, social media)
- Networking (Liaison between Fedora design & other communities that would be interested)
- Design (Promotional materials, platform setup, event materials/guides)
- Video editing (Editing tutorials & session to publish on YouTube)
- Research (Finding & documenting best tutorials/existing resources for FOSS design tools)
- People/skills/things I am probably not thinking of- Please tell me what I am missing!