Installer for Fedora 41 (anaconda) does not run on Sway Tiling WM

Hi! The bloat of software annoys me and seeing a window manager such as Sway was a relief, as it takes away fancy stuff that does not help me and get in the way. It seems even more lightweight than Xfce (the desktop environment that I have been using for the past seven years). A tiling window manager seems a bit harder to use, but the reduced clutter could pay off the learning curve. However, I am not able to run the installer. Does anybody have any hints on how to make progress here? Is there a command-line based installer as alternative?

I don’t think you can run Anaconda that way. Among other oddities, it reads parameters from the kernel command line.

The normal way to install things from the command line is using the dnf command. You can use its --installroot parameter if you want to build/install another OS under a separate directory or mountpoint.

If you are trying to build the new OS in a container, you might find the following article intersting (it’s a bit old, so replace yum with dnf where necessary):

I’ve tried called liveinst as instructed. It turns out that liveinst is solely a wrapper for anaconda and it will lead to the same error. It does not matter if I call it from liveinst or anaconda, the exact same error message will appear. I called anaconda directly because I was hoping that I could install through the command line (but failed to get the menu options #3 and #4 to work).

Like I said, I’ve always done command line installs using dnf. But it isn’t automated the way Anaconda is. If you want to launch the Anaconda installer from a running Linux system, you can use qemu.

I forgot to add some details: that’s the live USB provided by Even if I use dnfor yum, that would apply to the USB stick (and probably would not work, as I’m assuming it is mounted as a read-only file system).

I think if you created the USB stick using Fedora Media Writer, it might be configured with some limited persistent storage. So you might be able to add or remove programs using dnf.

I’m still not clear about what you are trying to accomplish though. The Live image should have a launcher for installing itself to a fixed disk. In Sway, use Super+D to bring up a menu that will let you search the available launchers.

Edited to correct the hotkey – it’s Super+D.

Try not running the installer as root or with sudo.

Trying as root or with sudo was the last resort. The live USB stick provided for the distribution that provides the Sway window manager doesn’t work. I thought there could be a way around this (as I really want to try Sway in a daily basis), but it seems there isn’t.

You could use the everything iso, with a custom install and then manually install sudo dnf group install swaywm-extended


Thanks! That should solve it!


Just FYI, there is also a Sway Desktop environment group that might be necessary for “full” functionality. To install the full environment, use sudo dnf install @sway-desktop-environment.

I had an odd probem with Sway once that turned out to be because I hadn’t installed one of the needed packages.


You can keep your current system and

sudo dnf install sway

Then select it at startup, or boot into a terminal and run


You can also remove Xfce if you want to.


Hi @fredericomba, could you please test out if you can run installer on Rawhide varient.

In general this error is weird, GTK interface can’t be started, hard to say what is happening from the screenshot. You can try to take a look on journal, you might be able to find more information there as Anaconda logs almost everything to journal these days.