After installing Fedora Workstation 34, directly I’m using it for virtual meetings in google chrome. I have problems screen share, then only a blank screen here.
But, in firefox is no problem. Just enabled permission to share the screen in the fedora setting pop up.
So, here I share the solutions to solved the problem:
Edit the GDM Configuration $ sudo vi /etc/gdm/custom.conf
Edit or add this configuration be like this
This is sort of a big decision.
So basically, if I need to share screen, I need to disable Wayland.
If I need the three finger gesture and the actual blue color in browsers, FYI solved it by disabling Hardware acceleration in the browser(Brave), I need Wayland?
Wayland has a lot to improve. I would love to switch back, Wayland is a big improvement, but it has flaws like this.
New update to this, nowadays the support for Wayland’s way of screenshare is improving, you can go to chrome://flags and search for WebRTC i think, I dont remember clearly, but you can go there and flip that switch, this works for browsers
Next, flatpak apps
Under --enable-feature, there’s an option called WebRTCPipeWireCapturer, I use slack and it works
flatpak run slack --enable-features=WebRTCPipeWireCapturer