How to uninstall a strange app

Hi everyone, I’m just a Linux newbie and after using a couple distros I ended up with Fedora, and I quite like it. Unfortunately I made a probably big mistake: I have GNOME but I tried installing KDE alongside it. I had problems with the apps of the desktop environments mixing, so I uninstalled KDE. Now everything is back to normal, but I still have a KDE app in my menu: “SELinux troubleshooting” or something similar. Please how can I remove this (if I can)?
Thanks for your patience!

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just reinstall fedora this time choosing the kde spin

Welcome to Fedora!

That is not a KDE app.

SELinux is a security system on very low levels (kernel space). It protects your files from access by the wrong applications.

setroubleshoot (the package name) notifies you if programs tried to do stuff that SELinux blocked. It helps detect issues and you can contact the devs and send them the log.

So no this is not a KDE app and you may want to keep it.

It may just be in the KDE comps (a list of packages to install) and for some reason not in the GNOME one.

If you would like to uninstall it anyways, that should be possible in “Software” (the GNOME Software store). Or sudo dnf remove setroubleshoot.

But you dont need to, the app is useful.


That advice was bad as the user didnt say they want to use KDE.

if you want to use KDE Plasma, just use Fedora Media writer and write the KDE Spin ISO to a usb stick. Try it out live.

If you prefer it over GNOME, you can switch desktop environments. There will be people to help you :slight_smile:

But GNOME and KDE dont work well together, mostly GNOMEs fault. GNOME apps work fine on KDE.

I recommend removing setroubleshoot because it’s a highly technical tool that is not appropriate for most users. selinux denials are bugs and can be pretty confusing if you’re not an selinux developer. Unless you’re interested in creating bug reports when you see denials, it’s probably best to not worry about this low-level aspect of Fedora.


That is like shooting the messenger that delivered the bad news. If you have problems with some of your programs, and it is caused by SELinux, then it would be better be be shown that. Otherwise you have to be even more technical and wade through countless of message in the journal for any clue on how to fix the issue.

I wrote this because this app wasn’t in the menu at all before, but I’ll keep it just in case I get any errors. Thank you so much, have a good day!

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You too!

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