Hello i would like to use Fedora and Windows. And i have 2 separate disks. I would like to install Fedora to my 2nd SSD. I already have Windows installed on my 1st SSD. What are the steps that i need to install Fedora?
brother do you have pc or laptop
Desktop PC. Why?
the easiest way to do fedora in second ssd is that just remove the windows ssd for a while and install fedora simple
or you can watch any youtube video
Just install Fedora on a second SSD and set it as the first boot option in UEFI
After that, you’ll be able to choose between Windows and Fedora from the GRUB menu during startup
No this is not easier! If you do this fedora cannot into the boot files into the efi partition, that must be on the first drive.
Create a boot usb-stick with the media-writer from fedora. With this software you can download the Edition/Spin you like and create straight away your usb boot medium.
Test the boot medium if it works correctly and have a good look of the disk names how Linux shows them. This is important to distinguish them to not overwrite you Windows system. And also the boot process should be independent be possible if you like to swap/remove the Windows disk in the future.
2.1 As already mentioned you can remove the windows disk as long as you make the Fedora installation. -
I propose you to let Fedora make a auto installation on the external disk. Test it if it works and if everything is fine, put your disk back if you removed it. If you not remove it, you really have to check that Fedora Linux got installed totally on the external disk.
To boot it is best, setting the external disk as the primary boot option and the windows disk as second. This way if you not have connected the external boot disk it will start windows automatically. If you want to boot and select each setup, with connected disks you would have to add the disks to each boot menu of each disk.
4.1 For my setup I was not make the entries on each disk. If I boot with the External disk on, I can select the boot option while selecting bios boot option it shows on my second fedora disk. What you need to do if you make a separate installation and like to auto mount your window disk is, an entry in the fstab file.
I hope you can follow this steps? Otherwise just ask what you not understand. I will adapt your title of the topic and point out that you will install on independent ssd disks.
Not if you make two separate EFI partitions on each diks, what I would do if I pretend to swap the disks once and use Fedora as the internal one.
Well can Fedora make an EFI partition on the 2nd SSD to avoid problems with the 1st SSD’s EFI partition?
When disconnecting the internal ssd it has to. Otherwise it will not be able to boot. Just check that you not make a legacy installation.
Not required and interferes with dual boot using grub
Instead boot from the install media and launch the installer.
At the first screen after starting the installation select the install destination as the second drive ONLY. Then complete the installation.
Doing it this way avoids writing anything to the windows drive but does configure the system to boot from the second drive and enables using grub to boot windows.