How to burn ISO image to DVD?

I tried:

dd if=iso.iso of=/dev/sr0 bs=512
d: error writing ‘/dev/sr0’: Input/output error
1+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes copied, 0.00572188 s, 0.0 kB/s

This is my first time trying to burn DVD under Fedora. Please help!

My drive is USB, supports DVD-RW & DVD+RW . My disc is DVD-RW .

Try using this method:
How to burn an ISO to CD or DVD using Wodim – The Geek Diary


There are various gui applications to create cd and DVD disks. For example the xfce project has the xfburn program, and I am sure the Gnome project has one as well.

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That error seems to be because sudo was not used.
bs=512 is the default and copying in that way works much faster with a larger block size such as 32M, 64M, or even 128M.

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I were running dd as root:

# dd if=iso.iso  of=/dev/sr0 bs=512
dd: error writing '/dev/sr0': Input/output error
1+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes copied, 0.038899 s, 0.0 kB/s

That was not obvious from the first post. Sorry.

It seems you were trying to write to a DVD (/dev/sr0) without using the proper tools and the suggestion by @vgaetera was the best.

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While I haven’t tried to burn an iso to dvd in along time I’m pretty sure gnome disks works as well for that.


See also

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Start k3b, then Tools → Burn Image.


I’m going to spam my own page on this, which deals with it from command line. Though some of it is outdated, the basics are still applicable.

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