how to add repos usin dnf5 since --add-repo
command is not valid on dnf5
how to fix this since autorefresh not found
Error in added repository configuration file. Cannot set repository option "autorefresh=1": Option "autorefresh" not found
What command did you run to get that error?
phatle@fedora:~$ sudo dnf config-manager addrepo --from-repofile=
Place your right index finger on the fingerprint reader 100% | 196.0 B/s | 124.0 B | 00m01sError in added repository configuration file. Cannot set repository option "autorefresh=1": Option "autorefresh" not found
That doesn’t appear to be an available configuration option. DNF5 Configuration Reference — dnf5 documentation
You may need to download the repo file, edit it and remove that option.
It’s also not a dnf4 option either according to DNF Configuration Reference — DNF @DNF_VERSION@-1 documentation
I guess an unknown option was ignored before?
thats interesting since rpm installation fails due no key signed files
might be brave browser issues too combined to dnf
Brave don’t work for me either using dnf5 on F41, but for now work using dnf4:
sudo dnf install dnf-plugins-core
sudo dnf4 config-manager --add-repo
sudo rpm --import
sudo dnf install brave-browser
echo -e '[brave-browser]\nname=Brave Browser\nbaseurl=$basearch\nenabled=1\nautorefresh=1' | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/brave-browser.repo > /dev/null
sudo rpm --import
sudo dnf install brave-browser
It looks like autorefresh is an option that is used by Zypper in Suse and was ignored in dnf4.
You can also add these manually by referencing the repo file.
name=Brave Browser
This would translate to:
sudo dnf config-manager addrepo --id=brave-browser --set=name='Brave Browser' --set=baseurl='$basearch'
Single quotes are important for the baseurl.
this works no issues at all
Added dnf5
What’s the difference between using single quotes and double quotes? It seems to me that they are utilized inconsistently in various commands and packages/tools.
Regarding the change (in your command above) from:
Is it DNF5’s ability to parse the file that is not yet implemented (which I assume it will be at some point) or is it that the format has changed in regards to repo files/links? Or is the methodology being deprecated and replaced with something else altogether, this rendering .repo links unusable?
In terms of articles and instructions across the internet not becoming broken, I think it’s quite unfortunate that users are now getting non-descriptive errors for commands that used to work perfectly.
Assuming you are talking about shell like scripts it changes what substitutions are possible.
$ echo "My terminal is $TERM"
My terminal is xterm-256color
$ echo 'My terminal is $TERM'
My terminal is $TERM
In other cases a tool may accept both and not care.
The issue with brave repo file is that it is using an option that is not supported by dnf. This was also true with the older version of dnf, but it ignored the option, dnf5 does not.
The command listed basically takes the options from the repo file and translates them to the command line without the autorefresh option.
There’s a bug filed for brave Removed unused options from for fedora · Issue #41182 · brave/brave-browser · GitHub