Woops, posted the instructions for brave beta. The correct way is to replace the second line with sudo dnf config-manager addrepo --from-repofile=https://brave-browser-rpm-release.s3.brave.com/brave-browser.repo.
…gives “error” and i had to return at dnf4 syntax.
I didn’t have any problems to install Mullvad Browser with: sudo dnf config-manager addrepo --from-repofile=https://repository.mullvad.net/rpm/stable/mullvad.repo
I just tried the line I gave you, and it does indeed give me an error: Error in added repository configuration file. Cannot set repository option "autorefresh=1": Option "autorefresh" not found. Weird, this used to work.
Anyway, your dnf4 solution does the trick. Alternatively this worked for me just now: sudo dnf config-manager addrepo --id=brave-browser --set=name='Brave Browser' --set=baseurl='https://brave-browser-rpm-release.s3.brave.com/$basearch'.
There is a bug report about this, hopefully it will be fixed soon.