Grub and UEFI doesn't detect Fedora

I have Linux Mint and Fedora dual-booted. After I updated Fedora, it stopped appearing on the Grub menu. My computer now automatically boots into Mint. When I check BIOS, it doesn’t show Fedora, it says disabled. I can still access my Fedora desktop from Mint. Is there any way to fix this?

My suggestion is to try rEFInd when grub is being annoying. From Mint:

$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:rodsmith/refind
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install refind

and answer yes if it asks to install to the ESP.

Reboot and hopefully there will be a bunch of options, including Fedora ones with vmlinuz in the name - this should boot Fedora without using grub.

I wrote more here.


Hi and welcome to :fedora: .

Was it a standard upgrade of Fedora or a system upgrade to a new major version?

Do you know which OS updated the GRUB config files (usually the OS installed last)? If it was Mint, did you try running the GRUB re-config commands from within the OS (whatever those commands are in Mint)? There are, however, reports that Mint doesn’t see Fedora OSes properly.

If it is Fedora who’s in charge of GRUB (which is less likely based on your issue, unless something went wrong with the update), then booting from a Fedora live ISO, chroot and running a GRUB re-config (sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg is usually the right command) should repair GRUB.

Please also see this topic about multibooting Mint and Fedora (alongside Windows in this particular case). There are other similar topics on this forum, you might want to see how others have solved similar issues, as they seem to be quite common.

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Thank you, Jasper. That did the trick.

Hi @troey .

I suggest opening a new thread for your issue, since it is different to this one (which also has a solution).

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