Google-chrome does not open after Fedora 37 update

it does not show icon in gnome panel and does not show any window when luanched, the processes exist in system monitor though.

env F37 x11 on a thinkpad t450s laptop, it used to work, but stopped working after upgrading F36 to F37


  1. reinstall latest google-chrome-stable
  2. reinstall akmod-nvidia

It might have something to do with gnome-keyring, because this works

google-chrome --password-store=basic

Although I do not understand why, here is the fix

I deleted gnome keyring with

mv ~/.local/share/keyrings ~/.local/share/keyrings.bak

# and restart keyring daemon
gnome-keyring-daemon -rd

then run google-chrome, and it asks me for a new keyring password

after this, google-chrome works as expected

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Interesting. It appears somehow your Gnome Keyring got corrupted in the upgrade. That shouldn’t happen. I’m happy you found a workaround, but now I’m curious how it broke.

Also if you are using automatic login, use empty password above, then it would not ask for password again