Gnome-shell crashes while playing Minecraft with Fabric & Iris shaders

Hi all,

I’d appreciate help troubleshooting this issue, as I don’t know what OS component(s) to file a bug report for (gnome-shell itself, mesa, etc.).

OS: Fedora Linux 41 (Workstation Edition)

Description: While playing Minecraft, after between about 10 & 90 minutes of gameplay, gnome-shell quits unexpectedly.

Minecraft version: Java Edition 1.21.4


How reproducible: nearly always

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Launch Minecraft with Fabric loader
  2. Play the game.

Actual results:
The display freezes, then turns black. The session is ended, logging out the user. Upon logging back in, Problem Reporting displays the following message:

gnome-shell quit unexpectedly
The application encountered a problem and could not continue.

Name  gnome-shell
Version  47.2-1.fc41.x86_64
First Detected  16 seconds ago
Reported  no

Clicking “Report” returns the following message:

Processing finished.
• Reporting is disabled because the generated backtrace has low informational value.
⏷ Show log

— Running report_uReport —
(‘report_uReport’ completed successfully)

— Skipping collect_GConf —
No matching actions found for this event.

— Skipping collect_vimrc_system —
No matching actions found for this event.

— Skipping collect_vimrc_user —
No matching actions found for this event.

— Skipping collect_xsession_errors —
No matching actions found for this event.

— Running analyze_CCpp —
Generating backtrace
Backtrace is generated and saved, 260306 bytes

— Running analyze_BodhiUpdates —
Looking for similar problems in bugzilla
abrt-action-find-bodhi-update [WARNING] Duplicate Bugzilla bug ‘#712612’ was found
Searching for updates
No updates for this package found

Expected Results: gnome-shell should not crash.

Graphics card: Radeon RX 5700 XT

Edited to add expected results, graphics card & to make the title more accurate.

Not a permanent solution but you could install a lightweight Windows Manager (i3, Sway) alongside Gnome?

Also not the anwer you probably want, but do you need Fabric loader and mods? Can you run Minecraft through Lutris?

I will refrain from mentioning that Luanti (formerly Minetest) does not crash for me :slight_smile:

i think this issue has already been reported and is currently discussed here 2322159 – Process /usr/bin/gnome-shell was killed by signal 11

That issue does look similar, albeit more severe than my case (just one application triggers a crash for me so far, instead of the session crashing every time). I’ve looked at the backtrace and it does mention amdgpu_ctx_set_sw_reset_status on frame #9 of thread 1, just like the GNOME Gitlab issue linked in that bugzilla thread.

Regarding this question from @theprogram:

Also not the anwer you probably want, but do you need Fabric loader and mods?

I plan to try this without Fabric soon so that the issue is simpler to reproduce.

Also not the anwer you probably want, but do you need Fabric loader and mods?

I was not able to replicate the crash without Fabric. I suspect there’s still a driver bug somewhere, but it might not be worth tracking down if it requires a very specific mod setup to trigger. I hesitate to mark this issue as solved, but I will probably not dig deeper into it for the time being if I can just play nearly-vanilla Minecraft with Iris. If anyone else is interested in troubleshooting this issue and replies to this thread to express that, I’d be open to exploring more.

I suppose I’ll just kiss goodbye to the enhanced sound physics and texture improvements for the forseeable future. Thank you and @gregorplanet for your input.

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if you still want to troubleshoot the issue, how did you launch fabric? through the minecraft launcher or through a mod launcher like modrinth?

I launched it through the Minecraft launcher.

this could actually be part of the issue. If you want you could try Modrinth (Download the Modrinth App!), which is an open source and widely adopted launcher for Minecraft mods and see if that works, so you can keep playing with your mods

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I think I’ll try Modrinth that next time I want to play. Thanks for the tip. However, my actual concern here (unless my layperson’s understanding of this stuff is wrong, which is entirely possible) is with gnome-shell &/or amdgpu.

Is there ever a situation where it should be possible for an application without administrator privileges to crash a desktop session? Put another way, if an OpenGL application like Minecraft issues bad instructions, shouldn’t the outcome be no more severe than that application crashing or perhaps corrupting files it has been granted access to? If the desktop session crashing when a bug is encountered in an OpenGL application is expected behavior, than simply having a way to play modded Minecraft is a solution to this issue. Otherwise, there’s an OS bug somewhere that may be triggered by another application or game at some point.

Hmm big picture thinking.
It sounds like Fabric itself or the mods it are loading are causing memory leaks or buffer overflows which cause Gnome-Shell to crash. Should this happen? No. Does it happen? Yes.
Linux and Fedora are so fast moving and light-weight that for mod creators and software developers to keep up is very difficult - or at least time consuming.
Is it a critical security issue? Probably not as secure systems wouldn’t be running Minecraft or Fabric.
So it is an annoyance, if you want to report a bug I would start with Fabric as the culprit. Perhaps you could also submit a bug report to Gnome.
If you think it is a Fedora bug, you should test Fabric under KDE, Sway and Xfce, and see if the crash is replicated in other desktops.